Rehousing Out of Area
Dear Shropshire Council,
I would like information about the numbers of homeless households being moved both out of and into the local authority area and where they are being moved to and from. I am aware from your reporting requirements to central government that you hold this information but only part of it is released through DCLG statistical updates.
I understand that under Section 16 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 there is a duty to assist and advise the requester and would appreciate your advice if you think my questions need any clarification in order to get the information that I am looking for.
Please disclose the following information:
1. For each year since 2010, please provide a month by month breakdown of the total number of homeless households the local authority has rehoused in another local authority area. For each household rehoused, please indicate:
- the total number of people rehoused
- the local authority area they were moved to
- whether this was temporary or settled accommodation
- whether they were allocated either council / social housing or a private rental tenancy
2. For each year since 2010, please provide a month by month breakdown of the total number of homeless households the local authority has agreed to rehouse from another local authority area. For each household rehoused, please indicate:
- the total number of people rehoused
- the local authority area they were received
- whether this was temporary or settled accommodation
- whether they were allocated either council / social housing or a private rental tenancy.
Yours faithfully,
David Adams
Dear Mr Adams
Thank you for your request for information received on 14/03/2018. We are
currently processing your request in accordance with the relevant
You have requested details about homeless households accommodated outside
the council area
(Please note this may be a summary of your request and full details, as
outlined in the request, will be sent to the team providing the response.)
If you feel the information is inaccurate or requires amendment, please
notify us as soon as possible using the contact details provided below.
Yours sincerely
Information Governance Team
Shropshire Council
Abbey Foregate
Tel: 01743 252179 / 252774 / 252747
Email: [Shropshire Council request email]
Web: [1]
Visible links
Dear Mr Adams
Thank you for your freedom of information request below. I duly attach a response sent on behalf of Andy Begley, Director of Adult Services and Housing.
Ffion Watson
PA to Director of Adult Services
Shropshire Council
Abbey Foregate
01743 281376
07458 119829
mailto:[email address]
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