Rehousing Out of Area
Dear Northern Ireland Housing Executive,
I would like information about the numbers of homeless households being moved both out of and into the local authority area and where they are being moved to and from. I am aware from your reporting requirements to central government that you hold this information but only part of it is released through DCLG statistical updates.
I understand that under Section 16 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 there is a duty to assist and advise the requester and would appreciate your advice if you think my questions need any clarification in order to get the information that I am looking for.
Please disclose the following information:
1. For each year since 2010, please provide a month by month breakdown of the total number of homeless households the local authority has rehoused in another local authority area. For each household rehoused, please indicate:
- the total number of people rehoused
- the local authority area they were moved to
- whether this was temporary or settled accommodation
- whether they were allocated either council / social housing or a private rental tenancy
2. For each year since 2010, please provide a month by month breakdown of the total number of homeless households the local authority has agreed to rehouse from another local authority area. For each household rehoused, please indicate:
- the total number of people rehoused
- the local authority area they were received
- whether this was temporary or settled accommodation
- whether they were allocated either council / social housing or a private rental tenancy.
Yours faithfully,
David Adams
Dear Mr. Adams,
Please find attached freedom of information acknowledgement letter. I
sincerely apologise for the delay in sending this to you, your response
letter will be with you in due course.
Kind regards,
Naoimh McArdle-McFall
Community Engagement Officer
Community Involvement & Community Cohesion Unit
Northern Ireland Housing Executive
(: (028) 95983263 | ( Ext: 83263 | *:
[1][email address]
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Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
Dear Mr. Adams,
Please find attached response letter to your recent freedom of information
Kind regards,
Naoimh McArdle-McFall
Community Engagement Officer
Community Involvement & Community Cohesion Unit
Northern Ireland Housing Executive
(: (028) 95983263 | ( Ext: 83263 | *:
[1][email address]
*********************** IMPORTANT MESSAGE
Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
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