Regulation 24(2) Police Regulations 2003

The request was successful.

Dear Sir or Madam,

My enquiry relates to your force policy for the situation where an officer has been “temporarily promoted” to a higher rank (i.e. is not “acting-up”, thereby receiving a “temporary salary” as provided for in Annex I to Regulation 27 of the Police Regulations 2003), has in due course reverted to his or her substantive rank, and has subsequently been promoted again (whether substantively or again only temporarily).

My request is for:

(a) any force policy or procedure document from which it would be determined whether such an officer’s salary would take account of that previous period in the higher rank – in accordance with Reg.24(2) – or would alternatively be re-started back at the lowest salary scale point for the higher rank, at the commencement of each and every period of service in that higher rank; and...

(b) any force policy or procedure document that reported, considered or reviewed the implications of the decision in Gill v Chief Constable of Merseyside [Liverpool County Court, judgement given on 28 August 2007], in which unequivocal judgement was given against Merseyside Police by HH Judge Platts because the latter procedure (as referred to above) is unlawful and does not comply with Regulation 24(2).

Yours faithfully,

William Old

Freedom Of Information,

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Old,

Freedom of Information Request Reference N^o: FOI 082/09

I write in connection with your request for information, which has been
received by the Norfolk Constabulary.

The attached PDF document is provided as confirmation that your request
for information has been received, and provides an indication of the date
by which we aim to provide you with a response to your request. Should
you have any difficulty in opening the attachment, please confirm your
postal address and I will arrange for a paper copy to be forwarded to you.

Yours sincerely,

Nina Bond

Freedom of Information Department

Norfolk Constabulary

|Nina Bond |
| |
|Freedom of Information Administrator |
|Norfolk Constabulary |
|Jubilee House |
|Falconers Chase |
|Wymondham |
|Norfolk |
|NR18 OWW |
|Tel: 01953 423521 [mobile number] |
| |
|P It takes 24 trees to produce 1 ton of office paper! |
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| Think... is it really necessary to print this email? |
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Freedom Of Information,

2 Attachments

Dear Mr Old

Freedom of Information Request Reference N^o: FOI 082/09

I write in connection with your request for information received by the
Norfolk Constabulary.

The attached document contains the Norfolk Constabulary's response to your
request. Responses to Freedom of Information requests are usually issued
in a PDF format than can be opened using the free Adobe Acrobat software.
Unfortunately, due to a technical issue we are currently unable to convert
this document into a PDF format. Should you have any difficulty in
opening the attached Word document, please confirm your postal address and
I will arrange for a paper copy to be forwarded to you.

Yours sincerely,

Richard Kindleysides

Freedom of Information Department

Norfolk Constabulary

| |

Richard Kindleysides

Freedom of Information Decision Maker

Freedom of Information Department

Professional Standards

Norfolk Constabulary

Operations and Communications Centre

Falconers Chase


Norfolk NR18 0WW

Tel: 01953 42 4487

Fax: 01953 42 4080

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Dear Freedom Of Information,

As you surmised, I cannot access your response because it has been saved in a proprietary, closed format (Word .doc). Please use your Word package to save it as Rich Text format (.rtf), which is an open, non-proprietary format that can be read by users of all computing platforms, and re-post it here. Thanks.

Yours sincerely,

William Old

Freedom Of Information,

2 Attachments

Dear Mr Old,

Please find attached, `Rich Text' copies of the Freedom of Information
response published by the Norfolk Constabulary on the 2^nd of March 2009.

If you are still unable to open these documents, I will be happy to post
copies to you if you provide me with an address to which they can be
sent. If for any reason you feel that you need to withhold your address,
the website provides an HTML version of all responses
posted on this web-site. Having tested this facility on a computer that
does not have `Microsoft Word' installed, I can confirm that the responses
published on the 2^nd of March can be opened via this facility.

Yours sincerely,

Richard Kindleysides

Freedom of Information Department

Norfolk Constabulary

| |

Richard Kindleysides

Freedom of Information Decision Maker

Freedom of Information Department

Professional Standards

Norfolk Constabulary

Operations and Communications Centre

Falconers Chase


Norfolk NR18 0WW

Tel: 01953 42 4487

Fax: 01953 42 4080

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Dear Freedom Of Information,

The "Temporary Promotions Policy" does not address the point in issue (whether all periods of service in the higher rank are aggregated and counted for pay purposes) but the second document "Inputting Officers in Temp Promotion" confirms that Regulation 24(2) is indeed now properly complied with by the Norfolk Constabulary, and I thank you for your comprehensive and helpful response.

Yours sincerely,

William Old