Register of Inquest Conclusions
Dear Office of the Chief Coroner,
Is there a central register , or register by coronial area - or at least a number recorded - of inquests where the conclusion is registered as "road traffic collision", such as that by the Lancashire Coroner:
If such register exists, is it cross-referenced with Regulation 28 reports if issued?
Yours faithfully,
Peter Barnett
Dear Peter,
Thank you for your email.
The Chief Coroner has a statutory obligation to publish all Prevention of future deaths reports which are published here: It is not the function of the coroner or the Chief Coroner to bring together otherwise collate those reports.
We continuously look to improve the publication of reports, as of 2023 reports are more accessible by allowed keywords to be search, however this does not apply to report before 2023, so it would have to be a combination of a manual trawl.
You will need to filter the search, specifically "PFD report type" to Road (Highways Safety) related deaths. You could also enter "Lancashire" in the keyword field.
As the reports are published for public learning, we have had an Oxford academic, Dr. Georgia Richards use the PFD reports to conduct data analysis. Her team have created the Preventable Deaths Tracker - Preventable Deaths Tracker which may be another useful resource.
I hope this is helpful.
Yours sincerely,
The Chief Coroner's Office
Judicial Office for England and Wales
Royal Courts of Justice, London, WC2A 2LL
Dear chiefcoronersoffice,
thank you for your respone.
I am well aware of the PFD report website and of the work of Dr Richards; what I would like to know and have access to, is whether there is a central register of inquest conclusions?
Yours sincerely,
Peter Barnett
Dear Peter,
The Chief Coroner's office does not hold this information.
However the Minsitry of Justice publish statistics which are available online -
Yours sincerely,
The Chief Coroner's Office
Judicial Office for England and Wales
Royal Courts of Justice, London, WC2A 2LL
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