Regarding economics applicants stats
Dear University of Warwick,
I am making an FOI request for the following sets of data:
1) The average number of A*s at GCSE for students made offers to
study economics at Warwick in 2012, 2013 and 2014.
2) The average number of A*s at A level for students made offers to
study economics at Warwick in 2012,2013 and 2014.
3)The average number of A*s at GCSE for economics applicants at Warwick in 2012, 2013 and 2014.
4)The average number of A*s at A level for economics applicants at Warwick in 2012,2013 and 2014.
Yours faithfully,
Dr David Bolarinwa
Thank you for your email which has been received by the University Legal
Compliance Officer.
The University undertakes to respond to Freedom of Information requests
within 20 working days and to Data Protection requests within 40 calendar
Thank you
Legal Compliance Team
Dear Dr Bolarinwa,
Thank you for your email requesting information about the University of Warwick. Your request is being considered under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
In order to process your request it will be necessary to receive some additional information from you to ensure that we understand your request correctly.
Please can you confirm what you mean by "average"? Does this mean arithmetic mean, ie splitting the number of A*s by the number of candidates, or by the number of candidates who took at least one A-level, or a calculation which gauges the number of A*s per entry, or something else?
I look forward to hearing from you. The University will be unable to proceed with your request until you have provided the requested clarification.
Kind regards,
Laura Larard | Administrative Officer (Compliance) | Deputy Registrar's Office University House | University of Warwick | Coventry | CV4 8UW
Tel: 024 761 51020
Email: [University of Warwick request email]
Dear infocompliance, Resource,
By "average" I mean splitting the number of A*s by applicants that took at least 1 A level. If this information cannot be obtained please use whichever method of gauging the mean that is available. Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
David Bolarinwa
Dear Dr Bolarinwa,
Thank you for your email dated 26 August and 11 September 2014 requesting
information about the University of Warwick. Your request is being
considered under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Please find below
your original request and our response.
I am making an FOI request for the following sets of data:
1) The average number of A*s at GCSE for students made offers to study
economics at Warwick in 2012, 2013 and 2014.
The University does not hold this information.
2) The average number of A*s at A level for students made offers to study
economics at Warwick in 2012,2013 and 2014.
The University does not hold this information.
3)The average number of A*s at GCSE for economics applicants at Warwick in
2012, 2013 and 2014.
The University does not hold this information.
4)The average number of A*s at A level for economics applicants at Warwick
in 2012,2013 and 2014.
As above, the University does not hold this information. However, we are
able to provide the following which relates to entrants. Data (calculated
by dividing the number of A*s by entrants that took at least 1 A level as
advised in your email of 11 September) is as follows:
Application Cycle Average A*s
11/12 1.85
12/13 1.85
13/14 1.81
I trust that this information will be helpful to you. Should you require
any clarification, please contact me.
Yours sincerely,
Jo Horsburgh
Jo Horsburgh | Deputy Registrar
University House | University of Warwick | Coventry | CV4 8UW
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