Requests similar to 'Referrals from other Ombudsman services'

Summary of revisited claims
Response by The Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman to dan on .

Awaiting classification

Our ref: 22/169             Please quote reference 22/169 when contacting us about this request for information.   If telephoning, please cont...
Dear Charles Carrington   INFORMATION ACCESS REQUEST – REFERENCE 22/153   Please find attached my response to your request for information whic...
Monitoring officer breach of statutory duties
Response by The Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman to dan on .

Awaiting classification

Our ref: 22/168             Please quote reference 22/168 when contacting us about this request for information.   If telephoning, please cont...
Our ref: 23/260           Please quote reference 23/260 when contacting us about this request for information.   If telephoning, please contac...
Our ref: 23/038 Please quote reference 23/038 when contacting us about this request for information.   If telephoning, please contact: 0330 403...
Our ref: 23/178             Please quote reference 23/178 when contacting us about this request for information.   If telephoning, please cont...
Leeds city council complaints 2020-2022
Response by The Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman to dan on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Dan Perkins   INFORMATION ACCESS REQUEST – REFERENCE 22/170   Please find attached my response to your request for information which I re...
Nottingham City Council

Partially successful

Dear Lee Odams   INFORMATION ACCESS REQUEST – REFERENCE 22/003   Please find attached my response to your request for information which I rece...
Our ref: 22/300             Please quote reference 22/300 when contacting us about this request for information.   If telephoning, please cont...
Dear Kat Daniels   INFORMATION ACCESS REQUEST – REFERENCE 22/100   Please find attached my response to your request for information which we r...
Dear Philip Mansfield   INFORMATION ACCESS REQUEST – REFERENCE 22/113   Please find attached my response to your request for information which...
Dear Alison Melville   INFORMATION ACCESS REQUEST – REFERENCE 22/289   Please find attached my response to your request for information which I...
Equality Law

Partially successful

Dear Rachel Ogilby   INFORMATION ACCESS REQUEST – REFERENCE 22/216   Please find attached my response to your request for information which I...
Dear Elene Constantinou   INFORMATION ACCESS REQUEST – REFERENCE 22/218   Please find attached my response to your request for information whic...
Response by The Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman to S Hope on .


Dear S Hope   INFORMATION ACCESS REQUEST – REFERENCE 23/161   Please find attached our response to you information request, which we received...
Dear Steven Wright   INFORMATION ACCESS REQUEST – REFERENCE 22/030   Please find attached my response to your request for information which I...
Our ref: 22/265             Please quote reference 22/265 when contacting us about this request for information.   If telephoning, please cont...
Complaints policy

Awaiting classification

Our ref: 22/135             Please quote reference 22/135 when contacting us about this request for information.   If telephoning, please cont...
Dear Sam Stone   INFORMATION ACCESS REQUEST – REFERENCE 21/354   Please find attached my response to your request for information which I rece...
Dear Dick Fowler   INFORMATION ACCESS REQUEST – REFERENCE 23/003   Please find attached my response to your request for information which was...
Dear P Smith   INFORMATION ACCESS REQUEST – REFERENCE 22/146   Please find attached my response to your request for information which I receiv...
Dear Steven Wright   INFORMATION ACCESS REQUEST – REFERENCE 22/017   Please find attached my response to your request for information which I...
Dear Steven Wright   INFORMATION ACCESS REQUEST – REFERENCE 22/014   Please find attached my response to your request for information which I...
Dear Nicola Pomroy   INFORMATION ACCESS REQUEST – REFERENCE 23/085   Please find attached our response to your request for information which we...
Dear Steven Wright   INFORMATION ACCESS REQUEST – REFERENCE 22/041   Please find attached my response to your request for information which I...