Recruitment and retention: British Muslims
Dear Eskdale Academy, Hartlepool,
1. How many British Muslim employees have you recruited? Please provide figures for every year since 2010.
2. What is the average length of service?
3. How many British Muslims have you employed in communications/media roles since 2010?
Yours faithfully,
[Name Removed]
Good morning,
With answers to your questions below:
We have not had any applications from British Muslims so therefore none
have been recruited.
Kind regards
Ms Killeen
From: [Name Removed]<[1][FOI #840533 email]>
Sent: Saturday, March 5, 2022 1:05:23 PM
To: Elizabeth Killeen <[2][email address]>
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Recruitment and retention:
British Muslims
Dear Eskdale Academy, Hartlepool,
1. How many British Muslim employees have you recruited? Please provide
figures for every year since 2010.
2. What is the average length of service?
3. How many British Muslims have you employed in communications/media
roles since 2010?
Yours faithfully,
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