Recruitment Agency Spend

Aditi Chandra made this Freedom of Information request to Sheffield Hallam University Automatic anti-spam measures are in place for this older request. Please let us know if a further response is expected or if you are having trouble responding.

The request was successful.

Dear Sheffield Hallam University,

Please could you provide me with the total value of spend on staff recruitment agencies, which agencies were used, and how much was spent with each agency for the academic year 2022/2023?

Yours faithfully,

Aditi Chandra

! Information Governance, Sheffield Hallam University

Your email has been received by the Information Governance team at
Sheffield Hallam University.  

! Information Governance, Sheffield Hallam University

Reference: FOI/2324/134

Dear Aditi Chandra,

I am writing to acknowledge receipt of your Freedom of Information request on 08/02/24. We will respond to your request in due course and within the 20 working days stipulated by the Freedom of Information Act.

Should you need to contact us regarding this request, please use our reference: FOI/2324/134.

Kind regards,

Information Governance Team

Governance, Legal and Sector Regulation
Sheffield Hallam University
Howard Street
Sheffield S1 1WB

Telephone +44 (0)114 225 5555
[email address]

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! Information Governance, Sheffield Hallam University

! Information Governance would like to recall the message, "Freedom of Information request - Recruitment Agency Spend".

! Information Governance, Sheffield Hallam University

Reference: FOI/2324/135

Dear Aditi Chandra,

I am writing to acknowledge receipt of your Freedom of Information request on 08/02/24. We will respond to your request in due course and within the 20 working days stipulated by the Freedom of Information Act.

Should you need to contact us regarding this request, please use our reference: FOI/2324/135.

Kind regards,

Information Governance Team

Governance, Legal and Sector Regulation
Sheffield Hallam University
Howard Street
Sheffield S1 1WB

Telephone +44 (0)114 225 5555
[email address]

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! Information Governance, Sheffield Hallam University

2 Attachments

Reference: FOI/2324/135


Dear Aditi Chandra


I am writing in response to your Freedom of Information request regarding
Recruitment Agency Spend at Sheffield Hallam University. Please see the
information below in response to your request.


 1. Please could you provide me with the total value of spend on staff
recruitment agencies, which agencies were used, and how much was spent
with each agency for the academic year 2022/2023?


Payments coded as recruitment agency fees have been made to the following
companies for the academic year 2022/23.


Recruitment Agency Fees (22/23)
Anderson Quigly Limited 10,750.80
Burman Recruitment Limited 8,584.92
Gatenby Sanderson Limited 103,863.60
Odgers Interim & Odgers Connect 89,640.00
Pertemps Recruitment Partnership 17,232.82
Protocol National 2,089.20
CRSI Limited 3,600.00
Elizabeth Normal Ltd 8,232.96
Total 243,994.30



This concludes the University’s response to your request. Should you be
dissatisfied with how the University has handled your request, please
consult the attached complaints procedure.



Information Governance Team




Governance, Legal and Sector Regulation

Sheffield Hallam University

Howard Street

Sheffield S1 1WB


Telephone +44 (0)114 225 5555





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