Recruitment Advertising

Response to this request is long overdue. By law, under all circumstances, Basingstoke College of Technology should have responded by now (details). You can complain by requesting an internal review.

Dear Basingstoke College of Technology,

Can you please provide me with your spend for permanent recruitment
over the last 12 months split by advertising, agency fees (please
confirm agency used), transfer fees, training etc.

Yours faithfully,

Julia Owen

Freedom of Information, Basingstoke College of Technology


Thank you for this request, I will pass on to the relevant person within the organisation.

I must make you aware that this is the third request we have had for this information within the last year, with the most recent request coming in May. As they are worded almost exactly the same I can only assume they come from the same organisation, and I am starting to find the requests somewhat vexatious. Please may I suggest that you search on for previous requests before raising a new one, to ensure that you do not ask for information that is already available.


Greg Devereux-Cooke
Head of Information Services & Exams

Dear Freedom of Information,

Can you please provide me with your spend for permanent recruitment
over the last 12 months split by advertising, agency fees (please
confirm agency used), transfer fees, training etc.

Yours sincerely,

Julia Owen

Freedom of Information, Basingstoke College of Technology



As requested.


Advertising - £16, 173.18

Agency fees - £21,562.50

Transfer fees - £24,411.36

Other interview expenses - £1,951.83