Can you please provide me with your spend for permanent recruitment
over the last 12 months split by advertising, agency fees (please
confirm agenc...
Can you please provide me with your spend for permanent recruitment
over the last 12 months split by advertising, agency fees (please
confirm agenc...
Please see request below:
Can you please provide me with your spend for permanent recruitment
over the last 12 months split by advertising, agency...
Can you please provide me with your spend for permanent recruitment
over the last 12 months split by advertising, agency fees (please
confirm agenc...
Dear Wiltshire College,
Can you please provide me with your spend for permanent recruitment
over the last 12 months split by advertising, agency fe...
Dear Runshaw College,
Can you please provide me with your spend for permanent recruitment
over the last 12 months split by advertising, agency fees...
Dear Runshaw College,
Can you please provide me with your spend for permanent recruitment
over the last 12 months split by advertising, agency fees...
Dear Runshaw College,
Can you please provide me with your spend for permanent recruitment
over the last 12 months split by advertising, agency fees...
Dear East Kent College,
Can you please provide me with your spend for permanent recruitment
over the last 12 months split by advertising, agency fee...
Dear East Kent College,
Can you please provide me with your spend for permanent recruitment
over the last 12 months split by advertising, agency fe...
Can you please provide me with your spend for permanent recruitment
over the last 12 months split by advertising, agency fees (please
confirm agenc...
Can you please provide me with your spend for permanent recruitment
over the last 12 months split by advertising, agency fees (please
confirm agenc...
Can you please provide me with your spend for permanent recruitment
over the last 12 months split by advertising, agency fees (please
confirm agenc...
Can you please provide me with your spend for permanent recruitment
over the last 12 months split by advertising, agency fees (please
confirm agenc...
Dear Julia,
In terms of advertising, the total spend for the last 12 months was
£39,962. Note this is spend for all staff recruitment, not just perma...
Dear Julia
Please see below the information that you requested. I hope that this is helpful to you.
Further to the FOI from Julia Owen (dated 04/10/...
Dear Julia Owen
Please see below our response to your Freedom of Information request dated
4th October:
Can you please provide me with your spend fo...
Dear Telford College of Arts and Technology,
Can you please provide me with your spend for permanent recruitment
over the last 12 months split by a...
Can you please provide me with your spend for permanent recruitment
over the last 12 months split by advertising, agency fees (please
confirm agenc...
Dear South Cheshire College,
Can you please provide me with your spend for permanent recruitment
over the last 12 months split by advertising, agen...
Dear West Nottinghamshire College,
Can you please provide me with your spend for permanent recruitment
over the last 12 months split by advertising...
Please see the requests below:
Can you please provide me with your spend for permanent recruitment
over the last 12 months split by advertising, a...
Can you please provide me with your spend for permanent recruitment
over the last 12 months split by advertising, agency fees (please
confirm agenc...
Can you please provide me with your spend for permanent recruitment
over the last 12 months split by advertising, agency fees (please
confirm agenc...
Can you please provide me with your spend for permanent recruitment
over the last 12 months split by advertising, agency fees (please
confirm agenc...