Recourse for children that social services whose decisions may cause serious harm in the future in the personal view of the child.
Dear West Lothian Council,
Children of the future: "Your decision to reject your mother or father is due to a psychological defence called pathological splitting. CAFCASS were told about the impact on a child of pathological splitting in 2018 and chose to ignore the level of harm it does to a child. Instead CAFCASS cherry picked the research evidence, once again ignoring the world leading authorities on the matter and decided that leaving some of you with the parent who was inducing the psychologically split state of mind, was the best outcome for you. That left you with the lifetime legacy you now face. If you had been sexually or physically abused you would not have been left to suffer, your emotional and psychological suffering however, was not regarded by the body charged with safeguarding you, as being sufficiently serious to take the proper action." Karen Woodall 2018
Parental Alienation is not about contact, it is not about high conflict, it is not about the child’s wishes and feelings other than how the expression of those give evidence of the abuse the child is suffering.
What redress will a child have at any point in the future for example criminal proceedings, civil litigation et al if the social worker or the organisation as a whole is responsible in the view of the child who has had their contact blocked or obstructed by Social Workers or Children and Families workers?
If it is claimed by the child that any Social Work or IRD decision has brought them (the child) any form of suffering in the child's perception, placed them at a disadvantage or effected their development in any way, social interaction, ability to form meaningful relationships or attachment disorders, effected to detriment any level of psychological, emotional health and well being of the child, any suffering that the child has perceived or if the child feels a sense of injustice regarding the decisions made for them particularly with lack of engagement with the child and amount of contact hours with the child i.e. 2-10 hours, to allow them to make a lifetime decision with Social Workers limited contact time with child, thus professional judgement is wholly disputed by the child at any point in their lifetime.
How many children have disclosed any form of detriment due to Social Workers or WLC Child Protection including but not limited to Children and Families Unit blocking and obstructing their contact to a parent/guardian/carer/family member including but not limited to these examples and how does the child seek recourse against the social worker and/or organisation as a child, young person or adult?
Will WLC Social Work still claim to remain child centred in respecting the aggrieved child's views?
Yours faithfully,
Samantha Kerr
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Dear West Lothian Council,
Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of West Lothian Council's handling of my FOI request 'Recourse for children that social services whose decisions may cause serious harm in the future in the personal view of the child.'.
Failure to respond
A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:
Yours faithfully,
Samantha Kerr
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Dear enquirer,
Please see attached the response to your Freedom of Information request.
Many thanks,
Laura Brown
Social Policy Information Team
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Dear What Do They Know,
Please see attached letter.
Kerri Murphy
West Lothian Council
01506 281615
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Samantha Kerr (Account suspended) left an annotation ()
Additional appeal to OSIC
Dear Sirs,
I have received another response to this request and still remain unsatisfied.
They have given the method of recourse, but still failed to provide a breakdown of the number of children that have sought recourse for decisions made by social workers that have caused serious harm.
As they use eRDM, having a working knowledge of this records management system, I do not believe that this data is held in raw format, as per the public records act 2011, this information should be recorded appropriately, also if legal proceeding for recourse have been initiated, this most definitely would not be held in raw data.
This is just another attempted to conceal information that shines a light on their actions, and professional standards in public life, they should not be attempting to conceal or apply disingenuous exemptions to attempt to withhold disclosure.
The public require to have confidence in these so called professionals, Social Work require to be open and transparent, and the manner in which they are absolutely deceitful in how they attempt to not disclose the information requested, clearly identifies that they have something to hide.
It is very much in the public interest that this information is disclosed especially in the public domain if not on their own disclosure policy then on a site such as WDTK as they wield an unequal balance of power in refusing recognise where they have caused serious and detrimental harm by their actions, which they appear not to take cognisance of any lessons learnt in making arbitrary decisions that have such a serious impact on the child’s future and also the significant harm done to all members and extended members of the family, they clearly have no regard for.
This is a very serious request, as the clandestine, deceitful manner in which they operate requires public scrutiny, to ensure that any significant errors in their decision making are reduced to the very minimum.
Thanking you in advance for further consideration of this appeal.
Samantha Kerr