Reason why the Tottenham War Services Institute's Accounts and Annual Update for the year ending 30/09/15 were removed from the Charity Commission's public register

The request was refused by Charity Commission for England and Wales.

Dear Charity Commission for England and Wales,

The Tottenham War Services Institute's financial Accounts and Annual Update for the year ending 30th September 2015, published online at the Charity Commission's website in late September 2017 -- here: -- were taken offline without explanation by 22nd August 2018.

Charities have a responsibility to publish their accounts if their reported income is over £25,000. For the year ending 30/09/15, the Tottenham War Services Institute reported an income of £38,100. They were therefore obliged to publish their Accounts and Annual Update for the year ending 30/09/15. This obligation was met 424 days after the deadline. Now, suddenly, the Accounts and Annual Update have been removed.

I am requesting an explanation for the removal of this information from the Charity Commission's public record.

A copy of the Accounts and Annual Update as published in late September 2017 can be viewed here: . This is the document that was removed from the Charity Commission website without explanation.

Thank you for your assistance.

Yours faithfully,

Justin Katko

FOI Requests, Charity Commission for England and Wales

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Charity Commission. We will respond within 20 working days.
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On track to meet your filing deadline? Charities have ten months from
their financial year end to file their Annual Return and Accounts. Find
out more at [2] Remember to file on time and
use our online services.

Want to know more about how we handle your data? See the Charity
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Dear FOI Requests,

Thank you for providing a reply to my request, which you coupled with a reply to a different request here:

Yours sincerely,

Justin Katko

FOI Requests, Charity Commission for England and Wales

Thank you for submitting your Freedom of Information (FOI) request to the
Charity Commission. We will respond within 20 working days.
If you have used this email address for a query that is not an FOI
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On track to meet your filing deadline? Charities have ten months from
their financial year end to file their Annual Return and Accounts. Find
out more at [2] Remember to file on time and
use our online services.

Want to know more about how we handle your data? See the Charity
Commission’s Personal information charter

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Dear FOI Requests,

The answer you have provided -- available here: -- reads: "I can confirm that the accounts were removed from the Website because they contained personal information which needed to be redacted. The redacted version was released for public viewing, but we were unaware until now that the release had failed. // I’ve been advised that the redacted version of the accounts will be available for public viewing within 24 hours. In the meantime please find a copy attached for your information."

Please note that the accounts were not actually attached to your email. Would you please rectify this by resending the accounts? I would be most grateful if you could do this at your earliest possible convenience.

Many thanks.

Yours sincerely,

Justin Katko

FOI Requests, Charity Commission for England and Wales

Thank you for submitting your Freedom of Information (FOI) request to the
Charity Commission. We will respond within 20 working days.
If you have used this email address for a query that is not an FOI
request, we will not reply.
Please contact [1]Charity Commission to resubmit general enquiries.
This is an automated email. Please do not reply to this email.
On track to meet your filing deadline? Charities have ten months from
their financial year end to file their Annual Return and Accounts. Find
out more at [2] Remember to file on time and
use our online services.

Want to know more about how we handle your data? See the Charity
Commission’s Personal information charter

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RC Landing & Correspondence (Queue), Charity Commission for England and Wales

Dear Mr Katko

Thank you for your email below.  I understand that the 2015 accounts
weren't attached to my original email for which I apologise.  However, the
accounts are now available on our website or by copying this address into
your internet browser as follows:

Yours sincerely

Claire Butler

W: [2]




[3]Twitter Follow us on Twitter | @ChtyCommission

show quoted sections

Dear RC Landing & Correspondence (Queue),

Thank you for your reply. The accounts that you mention as being online are found here:

However, comparison with the document preserved here from the original upload in September 2017 -- -- reveals the only difference between the two version is that the final (sixth) page has been removed.

You explained in an earlier reply that the accounts were taken offline because personal information was revealed that should not have been revealed. It is presumed that this explanation was provided to you by the trustees of the Tottenham War Services Institute (TWSI). As the first version of the accounts remain online, please allow me to take the opportunity to quote the omitted final page of the original 2015 accounts in full:

* * *
Morgans Accountancy Services
Certified Public Accountants
Phone: 01792 465419
Email: [email address]
Metropole Chambers
Salubrious Passage, Wind Street
Swansea SA1 3RT

Our ref.: DMM/1051/CC

To Angelique Glata
Trustee of Tottenham War Services Institute

27th September 2017

Hi Angelique,
Re: Tottenham War Services Institute
Accounts-Year ended 30/09/2015 and 30/09/2016
I refer to our earlier conversation and confirm that the charity does not require an audit being that the threshold is well within the The Charity Commission's threshold limits for an audit which is £1 million.

I confirm that we have prepared the Accounts on the basis of information and explanations provided to ourselves.

Yours truly,

DM Morgan

* * *

If indeed this final page contains personal information of some sort that should not have been made public, why was that information not simply redacted? Why should the entire page have been removed? I see no reason for this: the typical means by which personal information is removed from public documents is redaction, i.e. blacking out the specific relevant text, publication of which would breach an individual's rights under the Data Protection Act.

Because of the cavalier and unreasonable nature of the revision at hand, I have taken it upon myself to explicitly return this information to the public domain in the interest of transparency, given the extraordinary scrutiny of which the TWSI are subject following well-evidenced allegations of serious fraud. These allegations are levelled namely against the former trustee Angelique Glata, whose business partner has loaned huge sums of money to the TWSI during her tenure as a trustee of the same. This money was not reported as a liability to the Charity Commission, even as Glata and her business partner attempted to purchase the TWSI's sole property (399-401 High Road, N17 6QN) at at far below the market rate. And all the while, the TWSI were running up huge debts on their Business Rates account, resulting in a winding up petition lodged against the TWSI, thankfully dismissed due to a technicality in the issuing of proceedings.

Would you please answer to the role that the Charity Commission is clearly playing in assisting Ms. Glata with covering her tracks? Short of assistance, you are enabling the revision of a history which has profound consequences for the residents of Tottenham who benefit from the use of the TWSI's property on a daily basis, which people are desperately eager for answers as to what exactly the Charity Commission is doing about the extreme mismanagement of the TWSI effected by Ms. Glata's tenure as a trustee.

Thanks for your help.

Yours sincerely,

Justin Katko

RC Landing & Correspondence (Queue), Charity Commission for England and Wales


Dear Mr Katko.

I refer to your e-mail in which you raise concerns about the above
charity. I am the case manager dealing with an open case into TOTTENHAM

Thank you for telling us about your observation about the accounts. I am
unable to expand further upon the explanation already provided to you. We
are still reviewing the case and information we have obtained so far.

If we identify issues of regulatory concern, we will take them forward
with the trustees of the charity.  Please note:

·         We will only contact you again if we need further information
from you.

·         We do not provide updates on cases or details of the outcome.

·         Sometimes no action is taken but we will keep a record of your
concerns on file.

Yours sincerely

Thomas Malone

Case Manager - Regulatory Compliance

W: [1]

[2]Twitter Follow us on Twitter | @ChtyCommission

show quoted sections

Dear Thomas Malone (Case Manager - Regulatory Compliance),

Thank you for your email of 12 December 2018, and for introducing yourself and your role in respect of the TWSI.

You are perhaps aware of the pending planning application to demolish the TWSI's property and convert it into private rental accommodation, which application can be viewed here:

While I hope you will study these documents as part of your investigation into the TWSI, I wish to draw your attention to two of the objections lodged there.

The first is an objection lodged by myself, available here:

The second is an objection lodged by Daniel Harris, available here:

These two objections provide further detail regarding Angelique Glata's conduct, both inside and outside of the TWSI. I bring them to your attention by way of providing further context to the above FOI request, and also by way of raising a further FOI request with your office, which is as follows:

At any time during Angelique Glata's tenure as a trustee of the TWSI, was the Charity Commission informed of either: A) her business relationship with Avi Dodi, or B) Avi Dodi's financial relationship with the TWSI?

Many thanks for your kind assistance.

Yours sincerely,

Justin Katko

Dear RC Landing & Correspondence (Queue),

I have not yet had a reply to my FOI request sent on 12/12/18, reading: "At any time during Angelique Glata's tenure as a trustee of the TWSI, was the Charity Commission informed of either: A) her business relationship with Avi Dodi, or B) Avi Dodi's financial relationship with the TWSI?"

Please reply in a timely manner. Many thanks.

Yours sincerely,

Justin Katko

Reg Compliance - Landing & Corres, Charity Commission for England and Wales

Thank you, we acknowledge receipt of your correspondence.

We will only contact you if we require further information. Please do not
send a paper version unless we

have specifically asked for this.

Please note it is not our practice to provide updates on specific issues


On track to meet your filing deadline? Charities have ten months from
their financial year end to file their Annual Return and Accounts. Find
out more at Remember to file on time and use
our online services.

Want to know more about how we handle your data? See the Charity
Commission’s Personal information charter

Consider the environment. Please don't print this e-mail unless you really
need to.

RC Landing & Correspondence (Queue), Charity Commission for England and Wales

1 Attachment


Dear Mr Katko.

Please find attached documentation in relation to your request

Yours Sincerely

Thomas Malone

W: [1]

[2]Twitter Follow us on Twitter | @ChtyCommission


On track to meet your filing deadline? Charities have ten months from
their financial year end to file their Annual Return and Accounts. Find
out more at Remember to file on time and use
our online services.

Want to know more about how we handle your data? See the Charity
Commission’s Personal information charter

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