Reading and Leeds 2021 Coverage

The request was partially successful.

Dear British Broadcasting Corporation,

Under the BBC's Royal Charter, the BBC has remit to 'show the most creative, highest quality and distinctive output and services' and to 'reflect, represent and serve the diverse communities of all of the United Kingdom’s nations and regions and, in doing so, support the creative economy across the United Kingdom'.

The BBC has promoted Reading and Leeds Festival to the unlucky fans who can't be there for years, and currently, despite the BBC having several articles and links to Reading and Leeds coverage across their platform and media, the official BBC iPlayer category for Reading and Leeds, as of Friday evening, after a days worth of live events, shows only one short clip from the event so far.

To successfully show the most creative, highest quality and distinctive output and services, and reflecting and representing the diversity of the United Kingdom and supporting it's creative economy, the BBC must show Reading and Leeds coverage on platforms where it can easily be found - especially after a year of few live music events.

I ask that the following be published:
- Plans for Reading and Leeds 2021 coverage to be published
- Any reasoning why barely any coverage has been published to BBC iPlayer thus far

Yours faithfully,
D. Humphreys

FOI Enquiries, British Broadcasting Corporation

Dear D. Humphreys,

Thank you for your request for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, as detailed in your email below. Your request was received on 27 August 2021. We will deal with your request as promptly as possible, and at the latest within 20 working days. If you have any queries about your request, please contact us at the address below.

The reference number for your request is RFI20211369.

Kind regards,

Information Rights

BBC Freedom of Information
BC2 A4, Broadcast Centre
201 Wood Lane
London W12 7TP
Email: [email address]

show quoted sections

FOI Enquiries, British Broadcasting Corporation

2 Attachments

Dear D Humphreys,


Please find attached our response to your request for information
reference RFI20211369.


Yours sincerely,


Information Rights

BBC Legal

BC2A4, Broadcast Centre
201 Wood Lane, London W12 7TP