Re: Request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000

Vale of White Horse District Council did not have the information requested.

Dear Vale of White Horse District Council,

I am writing to make a request under the Freedom of Information for the following information:
1) Does the Council currently outsource Direct Payments Support Services, Managed Accounts/Payroll Services and/ or Carers Hub Services?
2) If so, what is/are the current total contract value(s)
3) And annual contract value?
4) How long is the current contract?
5) What was its start date?
6) When does it end?
7) Has the contract been extended, or do you intend to extend?
8) If so, for how long?
9) Who is/are the current provider(s)?
10) Will you be including Children and Young People in the above contracts or tendering separate services?
11) What commissioning model do you currently use – Framework?/Block?
12) What commissioning model are you considering for future contracts, e.g., Framework/Block?
13) If these services are not currently outsourced, are there plans to do so? If so, when are they likely to be commissioned and will there be a consultation process?
14) How many Service Users are currently registered under each contract for each service?

Yours faithfully,

Marcus shaw

Dear Marcus Shaw

Thank you for your Freedom of Information requests which were received by both South Oxfordshire District Council and Vale of White Horse District Council on 16 January.

Having looked at your request, it appears that you are interested in Social Care and Children and Young People. Oxfordshire operates a two-tier system of local government and these are the responsibility of the county council. Therefore, please submit your request to Oxfordshire County Council.

If I have misinterpreted your request, please let me know as soon as possible. If we do not hear from you by 17 March, we will assume you require no input from the district councils and close your requests on our system.

Kind Regards
Information Governance Team

Legal & Democratic Services
South Oxfordshire and Vale of White Horse District Councils
01235 422400
We’ve moved – our address is now:

Abbey House
Abbey Close
OX14 3JE
Please update your records.

To find out more about how the councils hold, use and store your personal data, please click on the appropriate link:
South Oxfordshire District Council  Vale of White Horse District Council

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