We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Danny Roscoe please sign in and let everyone know.

Re: Freedom of Information Request

We're waiting for Danny Roscoe to read a recent response and update the status.

Dear Freedom of Information Officer,
I am writing under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 to request the following information:

1. How much does Newham Council pay for Anchorage House, Chatham, each month or year? Please breakdown costs.

2. It has been reported that Newham Council purchased 74 homes outside the borough for £32 million to house 181 individuals. Does this figure include the renting of additional units? If so, please provide a breakdown, specifying the proportion of the costs allocated to renting (e.g., 34% is for rent).

3. If the reported £32 million does not include the renting of units outside the borough, how many places does Newham Council rent outside the borough to accommodate residents, and what is the associated cost?

4. How many individuals are currently registered as homeless in Newham, including those in temporary accommodation and those identified as rough sleepers?

If any of the above information is held in part, I kindly request that you provide the data available rather than withholding the request in its entirety.

I would appreciate the information being provided in an electronic format, where possible, and I understand that I may receive a response within the statutory 20-working-day timeframe.

Yours faithfully,

Danny Roscoe

London Borough of Newham, Newham Borough Council

FOI/EIR Information request
Our reference: 36283701


Dear Danny Roscoe
Freedom of Information Act 2000
Thank you for your request for information that was received on 27
November 2024.
We are dealing with your request under the Freedom of Information Act
2000 and we aim to send a response by 27 December 2024.
The Freedom of Information Act 2000 may restrict the release of some or
all of the information you have requested. We will carry out an assessment
and if any exemptions apply to some or all of the information you have
requested we will advise you accordingly in our response.  We will also
provide you with details of how you may appeal (if appropriate).
Should you require anything further please do not hesitate to contact us.


Yours sincerely
Information Rights Team
London Borough of Newham - People at the Heart of Everything We Do
[1][Newham Council request email]
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London Borough of Newham, Newham Borough Council

FOI/EIR Information request
Our reference: 36283701


Dear Danny Roscoe
Freedom of Information Act 2000
We are writing to ask you to clarify your request in relation to Questions
2 and 3.
We are unsure as to where you have seen these stated amounts reported but
we require additional information and time frames in order to provide you
with information held in our records.
You requested:
2. It has been reported that Newham Council purchased 74 homes outside the
borough for £32 million to house 181 individuals. Does this figure include
the renting of additional units? If so, please provide a breakdown,
specifying the proportion of the costs allocated to renting (e.g., 34% is
for rent).
Could you please confirm by what is meant by "include the renting of
additional units" and then the breakdown of proportion of costs. It is
unclear what this is specifically in relation to. Please clarify.

3. If the reported £32 million does not include the renting of units
outside the borough, how many places does Newham Council rent outside the
borough to accommodate residents, and what is the associated cost?
Does this further qualification of Question 2 now refer to ALL properties
which the Council may rent outside of the borough to be used as temporary
accommodation? If so, please confirm the time frame for this information
to be compiled from - for example - total number of properties rented
outside the borough and associated cost over last month, in last full
financial year? Please confirm the time frame required.
We will not be able to take this matter further without this extra
information from you. Please let us know by 11 December 2024.
If we do not hear from you within the time frame provided, we shall take
it that you do not wish to pursue this request and will consider the
request closed. 
Yours sincerely
Information Rights Team
[1][Newham Council request email]
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Newham Borough Council

FOI/EIR Information request
Our reference: 36283701


Dear Danny Roscoe
Freedom of Information Act 2000
We are writing to ask you to clarify your request in relation to Questions
2 and 3.
We are unsure as to where you have seen these stated amounts reported but
we require additional information and time frames in order to provide you
with information held in our records.
You requested:
2. It has been reported that Newham Council purchased 74 homes outside the
borough for £32 million to house 181 individuals. Does this figure include
the renting of additional units? If so, please provide a breakdown,
specifying the proportion of the costs allocated to renting (e.g., 34% is
for rent).
Could you please confirm by what is meant by "include the renting of
additional units" and then the breakdown of proportion of costs. It is
unclear what this is specifically in relation to. Please clarify.

3. If the reported £32 million does not include the renting of units
outside the borough, how many places does Newham Council rent outside the
borough to accommodate residents, and what is the associated cost?
Does this further qualification of Question 2 now refer to ALL properties
which the Council may rent outside of the borough to be used as temporary
accommodation? If so, please confirm the time frame for this information
to be compiled from - for example - total number of properties rented
outside the borough and associated cost over last month, in last full
financial year? Please confirm the time frame required.
We will not be able to take this matter further without this extra
information from you. Please let us know by 11 December 2024.
If we do not hear from you within the time frame provided, we shall take
it that you do not wish to pursue this request and will consider the
request closed. 
Yours sincerely
Information Rights Team
[1][Newham Council request email]
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except where the sender specifically states these to be the views of the
London Borough of Newham
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Dear Newham Borough Council,

As your stated response timeframe is within one day, I expect the original FOI timeframe to be adhered to.

The situation is straightforward, and the short timeframe for your response before canceling the claim indicates you understand my request. However, I will clarify further:

2. It has been reported that Newham Council spent £32 million to purchase 74 homes outside the borough to house 181 individuals. Does this figure include the renting of additional units? If so, please provide a breakdown specifying the proportion of costs allocated to renting (e.g., 34% is for rent).

Does the £32 million spent on housing outside the borough include renting spaces? To clarify, “spaces” refers to any property used to house these 181 individuals, including units rented directly from developers. If this is the case, please provide a cost breakdown of this scheme.

3. If the £32 million does not include the renting of spaces (ans clarified in 2) outside the borough, how many places does Newham Council rent outside the borough to accommodate residents, and what is the associated cost?

If the £32 million only covers the purchase of properties, how much is spent on renting additional properties outside the borough to accommodate residents? Furthermore, how many properties are rented?

Yours faithfully,
Danny Roscoe

InformationRightsTeam, Newham Borough Council

Good Morning

Thank you for your email.

Could you please also advise on the period required for Question 3 as originally requested

(Does this further qualification of Question 2 now refer to ALL properties which the Council may rent outside of the borough to be used as temporary accommodation? If so, please confirm the time frame for this information to be compiled from - for example - total number of properties rented outside the borough and associated cost over last month, in last full financial year? Please confirm the time frame required)

Yours sincerely,

Information Rights Team
London Borough of Newham
Newham Dockside, 1000 Dockside Road, London E16 2QU
[Newham Council request email]

show quoted sections

Dear InformationRightsTeam,

My apologies I missed that one out, I’ll make it as simple as can be, year 2023 and year 2020.

Yours sincerely,

Danny Roscoe

Dear InformationRightsTeam,

Firstly you many claifications on serve to confuse you which I know this is what your trying to do in distracting the situation, but the information will be provided no matter how many twists and turns you put into it.


As per 10th December email:

Dear InformationRightsTeam,

My apologies I missed that one out, I’ll make it as simple as can be, year 2023 and year 2020.
FYI Use this timeframe FOR ALL things if in doubt

Newham council:
(Does this further qualification of Question 2 now refer to ALL properties which the Council may rent outside of the borough to be used as temporary accommodation?

Danny Reply previously:
2. It has been reported that Newham Council spent £32 million to purchase 74 homes outside the borough to house 181 individuals. Does this figure include the renting of additional units? If so, please provide a breakdown specifying the proportion of costs allocated to renting (e.g., 34% is for rent).

Does the £32 million spent on housing outside the borough include renting spaces? To clarify, “spaces” refers to any property used to house these 181 individuals, including units rented directly from developers. If this is the case, please provide a cost breakdown of this scheme.

It’s clear in my clarification but as a further clarification, as stated, it was ALL PROPERTIES, but now an additional layer you have put in. So it will relate to ANYTHING used to ACCOMMODATE people. People being living breathing humans.

Yours sincerely,

Danny Roscoe

InformationRightsTeam, Newham Borough Council

Good Morning

Thank you for your further email.

Your clarification received on 10th December was referred to the relevant teams in the Council and they are presently working on compiling the requested information.
We will forward you our full response once this has been completed.

Yours sincerely,

Information Rights Team
London Borough of Newham
Newham Dockside, 1000 Dockside Road, London E16 2QU
[Newham Council request email]

show quoted sections

Dear Newham Borough Council,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Newham Borough Council's handling of my FOI request 'Re: Freedom of Information Request'.

This was requested in December 2024. It keeps coming back with nonsense clarifications that isn’t required as the information is easy to obtain. And it can be done based off my original question.

Your kicking the can down the road and this isn’t a reasonable timeframe to do this

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/r...

Yours faithfully,

Danny Roscoe

London Borough of Newham, Newham Borough Council

1 Attachment

FOI/EIR Information request
Our reference: 36283701


Dear Danny Roscoe
Thank you for your request for information, which following clarification
was due for response today.
Please find attached our response.
It is noted that you have submitted a request for an Internal Review in
relation to the delay and clarification sought in relation to this
Now that the response attached has been provided we will await your
further feedback to determine as to whether you may wish to add any
additional comments or concerns.
Your Internal Review is on hold pending your further comments or final
confirmation that you wish to proceed in respect of the delay you have
Yours sincerely
Information Rights Team
[1][Newham Council request email]
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Subject: Request for Internal Review

To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing to request an internal review of your decision to withhold information regarding how much Newham Council pays for Anchorage House, Chatham, each month or year, including a breakdown of costs.

Your response cited Section 43 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA), claiming that the information is commercially sensitive and its release would or would be likely to prejudice commercial interests. While I understand the need to consider commercial sensitivity, I strongly believe that withholding this information does not outweigh the public interest in its disclosure.

The expenditure in question involves public funds, and there is a clear and pressing need for transparency and accountability in how these funds are being spent. Given the significant levels of homelessness in the borough and the rising burden of council taxes on residents, it is essential that the public understands how Newham Council allocates and prioritizes its financial resources.

The public interest test should favor disclosure in this case, as it directly pertains to public accountability, responsible financial management, and trust in local government. These factors outweigh the potential for commercial prejudice, particularly given that public money is involved, and residents have a right to scrutinize how it is spent.

I respectfully request that you reconsider the decision and release the requested information or provide a more detailed explanation of how disclosure would specifically and materially prejudice commercial interests, considering the public interest outlined above.

Thank you for your time and for reviewing this matter. I look forward to your response within the statutory timeframe.

Kind regards,
Danny Roscoe

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address: https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/r...

Yours faithfully,

Danny Roscoe

London Borough of Newham, Newham Borough Council

FOI/EIR Information request
Our reference: 36283701


Dear Danny Roscoe
Thank you for your request for a review received on 10 January 2025. We
are sorry that you are dissatisfied with our attempts to handle your
request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
I can confirm that we are considering your concerns and we will aim to
provide you with a response by 7 February 2025. There may be circumstances
where more time is required. If this is the case, we will contact you to
explain and provide a reasonable timescale.
Yours sincerely
Information Rights Team
[1][Newham Council request email]
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We don't know whether the most recent response to this request contains information or not – if you are Danny Roscoe please sign in and let everyone know.