Raising of Tuition Fees - Royal College of Music

The request was successful.

Dear Royal College of Music,

I would like to see any meeting minutes/email logs referring to the rise of tuition fees at the Royal College of Music and the decision to raise the fees to approx £9048 a year for UK students in response to the Government's modified cap on tuition fees (dated 9th December 2010).

I would also like to see any publicly made statements addressing the rise of tuition fees and how the College would intend to use the new source of revenue both in the UK and Overseas, if these are available.

Yours faithfully,
D. Robinson

Nicholas Seager, Royal College of Music

Dear Sir or Madam,

I acknowledge receipt of your request made under the provision of the
Freedom of Information Act, and I will endeavour to reply within the 20
working days permitted under the Act.  Please note that, owing to the
College's closure over the Christmas vacation period, I calculate the 20
day limit expires on 20 January 2015.

Best wishes,


Nicholas Seager

Information & Systems Manager

Royal College of Music


Prince Consort Road



+44 (0)20 7591 4752



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Nicholas Seager, Royal College of Music

Dear Sir or Madam,

Further to your recent request made under the provisions of the Freedom of
Information act,  the Royal College of Music has not raised its tuition
fee for Home/EU undergraduate students to £9048, but, in line with the
majority of UK Higher Education Institutions,  raised the tuition fee to
£9000 for new entrants from 2012/13 onwards.  The amount has remained
unchanged since then.  The College’s Finance and General Purposes
Committee at its meeting in October 2011 made formal approval to the new
level of tuition fees permitted by the Government.  Further details on how
the College is using the monies raised can be found in the Access
Agreements approved by Office for Fair Access, which are available at the
OFFA website [1]here. The College made no public statements which
specifically addressed the rise in tuition fees, other than to publish its
tuition fee amounts on its web-site.  The current tuition fees can be
viewed on the RCM web-site [2]here.

Best wishes,

Nicholas Seager

Information & Systems Manager

Royal College of Music


Prince Consort Road



+44 (0)20 7591 4752



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