Radon Above 1% threshold in PO11

The request was refused by Health Protection Agency.

Dear Health Protection Agency,

Can you tell me which postcode areas in Hayling Island (PO11) contain Radon Affected Areas. I do not wish to know property addresses but would like to know which sub-postcodes (last 3 digits, e.g. PO11 ???) contain Radon Affected Areas

Yours faithfully,

J.B. Barton (Ms)

Freedom Of Information, Health Protection Agency

Dear Ms Barton

The Freedom of Information team acknowledges your request for
information. You will receive a response within 20 working days.

Kind regards

Leigh Kelly

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Freedom Of Information, Health Protection Agency

1 Attachment

Dear Ms Barton

Please find attached the Health Protection Agency's response to your
Freedom of Information request.

Feel free to contact me if you require further clarification.

Kind regards

Leigh Kelly

Freedom of Information Officer

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Dear Freedom Of Information,

Thank you for your reply. However, I cannot really accept that you do not have the information I requested by postcode area, as in the same note you offered to sell me the information by individual property postcode. Could you please take another look, I am sure you do have the information I requested. Thank you.

Yours sincerely,

J.B. Barton

Freedom Of Information, Health Protection Agency

1 Attachment

<<Mar - Radon affected areas Hayling Island- clarification.pdf>>
Dear Ms Barton

Thank you for your email. Please find attached clarification of the
letter I sent you on 30 March 2010 attached.

Kind regards

Leigh Kelly
Freedom of Information Officer

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Dear Health Protection Agency,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Health Protection Agency's handling of my FOI request 'Radon Above 1% threshold in PO11'.

I feel that you are trying to avoid supplying the information I requested by citing technical issues relating to postcodes. Given that you are able to sell postcode-based data I am sure that with a little more willingness to cooperate you could offer me a solution which goes some way to meeting my request, in the spirit of the FOI legislation.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:


Yours faithfully,

J.B. Barton

Freedom Of Information, Health Protection Agency

Dear Ms Barton

I have passed the below email to the Health Protection Agency Complaints
manager who will be contacting you in due course.

Kind regards

Leigh Kelly

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Freedom Of Information, Health Protection Agency

1 Attachment

Dear Ms Barton

Please find attached the internal review outcome.

Feel free to contact me, if you require further assistance.

Kind regards

George Stafford

Head of Public Information Access

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