Radiology equipment

The request was successful.

Dear NHS Grampian Health Board,
I would like to ask for your assistance with a query and would appreciate if you could provide me with the following information under the Freedom of Information Act:
• Number of CT scanners owned or on loan by the Trust.
Could you please include make, model, age, capability and location.
• Number of Injector pumps currently associated with CT.
Could you please include make, model, age and location.
• The number of MRI scanners owned or on loan by the Trust.
Again could you please specify make, model, age, field strength and location.
• Number of injector pumps within MRI.
Could you please specify make, model, age and location.
• Number of injector pumps within the Cardiac Catheterisation suite.
Could you please specify make, model and age.
• Number of injector pumps with the Intervention Radiology suites
Could you specify the make, model and age.
• Does the Trust use a dose management software programme? If so, please specify the programme and how long this has been in use

• Dose the Trust use a contrast media management programme? If so, please specify the programme and how long this has been in use.

• Does the Trust utilise any AI software within radiology? If so, please could you specify the programme and it’s application.

•Which Contrast Media agents are used within the Radiology department and for which modality and procedures

I appreciate your assistance and thank you for your help.

Kind regards,
Helen Martin

GRAM Foi, Grampian Health Board

1 Attachment

Dear Ms Martin


Please find attached acknowledgement of your request.








Lesley Reid

Administration Assistant                              Rosehill House

Information Governance Team                     Cornhill Road

NHS Grampian                                                  Aberdeen

[NHS Grampian request email]                                           AB25 2ZG 






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GRAM Foi, Grampian Health Board

1 Attachment

Dear Ms Martin


Please find attached response to your request.







Chris Morrice

Senior Information Governance Officer

Information Governance

NHS Grampian


Cornhill Road


AB25 2ZG


Email: [email address]




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