RAAC in housing
Dear Vale of White Horse District Council,
I am getting in touch under the Freedom of Information Act.
An email was sent from the Local Government Association (LGA) and the Department of Education on December 5 2018 to all local authorities to “draw attention” to a “building failure” involving a property constructed with RAAC. It suggested steps that local authorities should take the following steps:
"(1) identify any properties constructed using Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) and validate the potential risk appropriately
(2) consider and monitor the possible impact of reduced maintenance regimes on the condition of your property portfolio, in particular where RAAC is used."
1. a) Please disclose any action taken and/or findings made as a result of this email regarding point 1. This could include any surveys, studies or reports commissioned to identify properties constructed using RAAC and their results, including which properties were found to contain RAAC, and the potential risk that was assessed.
b) Please disclose any action taken and/or findings made as a result of this email regarding point 2. This could include any buildings in your property portfolio that you identified as having been built with RAAC that had “reduced maintenance regimes”.
2. Please disclose copies of any reports, surveys, briefings or studies concerning the presence of RAAC in your property portfolio after this email from December 5 2018.
3. If you replied to this email from the LGA, or forwarded it to another member of staff internally, please disclose the subsequent email chains.
4. Please disclose any other actions taken as a result of this email, if not included above.
Yours faithfully,
Ruby Lott-Lavigna
Dear Ruby Lott-Lavigna
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request, which was received by Vale of White Horse District Council on 8 November 2023.
Please accept this email as confirmation that your request has been received and is being considered by the relevant department and that a response will be sent to you within 20 working days, subject to the information not being exempt and subject to any need for clarification.
The deadline for this will be 7 December 2023
The reference number for this request is Vale 23/714
I trust that this email is sufficient to assure you that your request is being dealt with. However, should you have any queries in the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact the FOI team at [Vale of White Horse District Council request email]
Kind regards
Information Governance Team
Legal & Democratic Services
Vale of White Horse District Council
We’ve moved – our address is now:
Abbey House
Abbey Close
OX14 3JE
Please update your records.
To find out more about how the council holds, uses and stores your personal data, please click on the link below
Vale of White Horse District Council
Good afternoon Ruby,
Thank you for your Freedom of Information requests, which were received by
both South Oxfordshire District Council and Vale of White Horse District
Council, logged under FOI South 23/093 and FOI Vale 23/748 . Please note
that the two councils operate as a shared service hence this joint
Under Section 1 of the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (the 2000 Act) you
are entitled to be informed in writing whether the council holds
the information specified in your request and, if that is the case, to
have that information communicated to you unless any of the statutory
exemptions apply. I have considered your request and please see answers to
the questions below:
1. a) Please disclose any action taken and/or findings made as a result of
this email regarding point 1. This could include any surveys, studies or
reports commissioned to identify properties constructed using RAAC and
their results, including which properties were found to contain RAAC, and
the potential risk that was assessed.
Officers undertook an information study on all council properties and
identified those with concrete structural elements. Structural engineer
inspections were undertaken on these, and NONE were identified as
containing RAAC construction.
b) Please disclose any action taken and/or findings made as a result of
this email regarding point 2. This could include any buildings in your
property portfolio that you identified as having been built with RAAC that
had “reduced maintenance regimes”. – No action’s required or taken
2. Please disclose copies of any reports, surveys, briefings or studies
concerning the presence of RAAC in your property portfolio after this
email from December 5 2018. - No reports/surveys applicable
3. If you replied to this email from the LGA, or forwarded it to another
member of staff internally, please disclose the subsequent email chains. –
No trace of email, archives do not go back that far
4. Please disclose any other actions taken as a result of this email, if
not included above. – No other actions taken
Please treat this as the councils’ formal response under the 2000 Act. If
you are not satisfied with the decision I have made in response to your
request, you can make a request for an internal review by emailing
[1][email address] and [2][Vale of White Horse District Council request email] within 40 working
days from the date we issued our response. If you remain dissatisfied
after following that procedure, you have the right under Section 50 of the
2000 Act to complain to the Information Commissioner if you feel the
council has not dealt with your request properly. You can contact the
Commissioner at Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire SK9 5AF
(telephone number: 01625 545745). You can also find further information at
Many thanks,
Facilities Helpdesk
South Oxfordshire District Council &
Vale of White Horse District Councils
Abbey House
Abbey Close
Oxon OX14 3JE
Direct Line: 01235 422660 (ext 22660)
Our Helpdesk is manned Monday to Thursday, 8:30 am to 17:00 pm and Friday
08:30 am to 16:30 pm
To find out more about how the council holds, uses and stores your
personal data, please click on the appropriate council’s link: [4]South
Oxfordshire District Council or [5]Vale of White Horse District Council
Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]
2. mailto:[Vale of White Horse District Council request email]
3. http://www.ico.org.uk/
4. http://www.southoxon.gov.uk/about-us/con...
5. http://www.whitehorsedc.gov.uk/about-us/...
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