Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.
I am writing to request an internal review of Wirral Metropolitan Boro...
Of related interest -
Dear Mr Barnes
Thank you for your recent enquiry which has been dealt with under the
Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (EIRs). The...
Dear Yohannes
Thank you for your email of 20th October relating to information we hold about reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (RAAC) at Kingsmea...
Dear D-Jones,
Re: Freedom of Information Act 2000
Environmental Information Regulations 2004
Reference No: 24232021
Dear Mr Barnes
Please see the attached in response to your enquiry.
Yours sincerely
Lynette Paterson
Principal Information Management Officer...
Dear Mr Barnes
Please accept our apologies for the delay in completing an internal review
of the Council's original response to your information...
Dear Ed Barnes,
Please see below our response to your enquiry regarding the Leverhulme
planning inquiry, we apologise for the delay in respondin...
Dear Mr Barnes
In the absence of any clarification we are unable to respond to your
request. We have closed this enquiry pending your reply....
Dear Mr Barnes
Please see our response to your enquiry below.
1. The number of staff Wirral Council employs through an
Dear FOI Unit,
RE | INT-646812-Z7L8H6: RAAC Buildings | Number of properties built using reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (RAAC) Schools, hospi...
Dear Grace Foster
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request dated 29^th September
2023, which was allocated reference number FOI 007 and was...
Dear Open Rights Group, I refer to your FOI request received on 17th
October 2023.
RE: FOI request, Prevent Duty
You have requested the f...
Dear Mr Lowe,
In answer to your Freedom of Information Request, I can answer your
questions accordingly:
1. Yes - Two buildings within our School...
Dear Yohannes,
Thank you for your email of 20/10/2022 where you requested information
about RAAC.
Please see below our response to your questions....
Dear C Barnes
Attached is HMCTS’s response to your FOI request.
Kind regards
HMCTS Property Directorate
Dear Yohannes
Thank you for your email.
Please find the answers to your questions below.
1) Was your school, or any part of it, built between the 19...
Dear Mr Clearly
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request about the Grange Arts
Theatre, which was lodged on Friday, April 5, 2024.
[FOI #1013602 email]
Dear Mr Barnes
We write further to your information request regarding cyber attacks on the Council's systems.
Wirral Council rel...
Dear Mr Barnes
Please find below Wirral Council's response to your recent FOI enquiry.
1.How many employees, including school staff, have t...
Dear Ms Foster,
We refer to your request dated 28 September 2023 made under the Freedom of
Information Act 2014 in relation to STEP Academy Trus...
I’m requesting a copy of the most recent structural report for the Ryemarket multi-storey car park in Stourbridge.
If the report cannot be provided i...
Dear Samuel
I write further to your Freedom of Information request. Please see our responses as follows set out against your original quest...
Dear Grace Foster
I am writing in response to your request dated 28 September 2023. This
has been dealt with under the Freedom of Information...
Dear Mr Jones
We apologise for the delay in responding to this request, due in part to
the high volume of requests being submitted.
In res...