Name: Andrea Gibbons
Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust
Bracken House
Bracton Lane
Our ref: 7102
Leyton Cross Road
Date: 29 April 2021
Dear Andrea,
Thank you for your request for information dated 06/04/2021. Your request has been managed
under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.
You requested the following information under section 8 of the Act:
1. What the name of the department(s) is that provides improvement, service improvement, quality
improvement, continuous improvement or internal consultancy services to your organisation?
Quality Improvement Department
2. The job title(s) for the manager or executive responsible for quality improvement work in your
Medical Director, Associate Director for Quality Assurance and Improvement, Head of Quality
3. The name(s) of any formal improvement methodology or approach (eg Kaizen, Lean, Model for
Improvement, Virginia Mason etc) that your organisation uses for quality improvement, continuous
improvement, service improvement or internal consultancy projects. If it has been internally
developed, please share any external approaches it has been based on.
Model for Improvement, however, look toward influences from Kaizen, Lean, QSIR and many wider
theories to influence our methodology and theory.
4. The details of any awards or external recognition that your organisation has received for quality
improvement projects / work in the last 3 years.
IHI, BMJ international forum - Reduction of falls in intermitted care 2021
QISouthWest Best Overall Allied Healthcare Poster in September 2020
Greenwich CAMHS Generic Pathway team who have been named winner of NHS Elect’s Paul
Thomas Perseverance Award 2019
5. The approximate staff Full Time Equivalent (FTE) inside the team(s) identified in the answer to
question 1 and the job titles of staff within those teams.
AD for Quality Assurance and Improvement 1 FTE
Head of QI 1 FTE
Qi Leads 4 FTE
Quality Assistant 0.5 FTE
Data Analyst 1.0 FTE
Communications lead 0.4 FTE
6. The approximate staff Full Time Equivalent (FTE) outside of the team(s) identified in the answer to
question 1 but with a proportion of their time formally allocated to service improvement, quality
improvement, continuous improvement or internal consultancy, and the name of the department(s)
or teams which these staff work in.
The following work within the quality team and support Qi as part of their roles approx. 0.2 FTE
Head of Quality Assurance
Quality Assurance leads x4
Clinical Effectiveness Lead
Clinical Effectiveness facilitator
Research and Knowledge Manager
All staff are expected to be involved in Qi as part of their day jobs. However, we have clinical
directors, heads of nursing, PDNs and matrons in each directorate that promote Qi
7. The approximate total budget that your organisation has allocated to quality improvement in
each of the last 3 years (financial or calendar years - whichever is easiest).
2018-19: Information unavailable
2019-20: £409K
2020-21: £485K
8. The approximate number of staff trained in quality improvement in each of the last 3 years
(financial or calendar years - whichever is easiest).
1063 (and counting) including 2 (+1 currently training) IHI Improvement advisors
If you have any queries or concerns or are dissatisfied with the service you have received in relation
to your request, please do not hesitate to contact us. If you wish to request a review of the decision,
you should write to the Information Governance Manager, Julie Lucas via email at in the first instance. If you remain unsatisfied with the outcome of your review
and wish to make a formal complaint, please address this to: Complaints, Oxleas NHS Foundation
Trust, Pinewood House, Pinewood Place, Dartford, DA2 7WG - Email:
In addition if you are not satisfied with the outcome of your complaint or review, you may apply
directly to the Information Commissioner for a decision. Generally, the ICO cannot make a decision
unless you have exhausted the complaints procedure provided by the Trust. The Information
Commissioner can be contacted at: Information Commissioner's Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane,
Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF (Telephone: 0303 123 1113 or 01625 545 745 -
Kind regards,
Paul Bransgrove
Information Governance Officer
Oxleas NHS Foundation Trust | Bracken House | Bracton Lane | Leyton Cross Road | Dartford | Kent | DA2 7AF