Qualified Teachers as Cover Supervisors

The request was successful.

Dear Caerleon Comprehensive School,

Please can you tell me from the dates 01.09.18 to 31.07.19:

1. How many agency supply teachers you employed (number of days)
2. How many agency Cover supervisors or Teaching Assistants you employed (number of days)
3. How many of those Cover supervisors hold Qualified Teaching Status on the Education Workforce Council.

Yours faithfully,

Angela Sandles

Dear Caerleon Comprehensive School,

I note that I have not received a reply to my FOI regarding Qualified Teachers as Cover Supervisors. The law states that I should have received a reply by the 4th October 2019. Can you let me know if I should clarify my question in order to assist you.

Yours faithfully,

Angela Sandles

Jo Hewitt, Caerleon Comprehensive School

Dear Angela
Please accept my apologies, we rarely get an FOI request and I had
forgotten that the timescale is 20 days rather than 30 days as it is for a
subject access request.
I have collected the majority of the data, I am just waiting for a small
amount regarding one department and I will have the full response to you
by cob tomorrow.
Kind regards
Jo Hewitt

Data & Network Manager

Caerleon Comprehensive School | Ysgol Gyfun Caerllion

Tel | Ffôn 01633 431498 (direct line)

Jo Hewitt, Caerleon Comprehensive School

Dear Angela
Apologies again for the delay in my reply.  Please see below our response
to your request:
1. How many agency supply teachers you employed (number of days)
During the period we employed 15 agency supply teachers.  We record the
number of lessons they were employed to cover rather than the number of
days (as they may not be required for a whole day), however if you need to
quantify the number of lessons into equivalent days then we have 5 lessons
per day, so divide the total by 5.  The number of lessons they were
employed to cover was 567
2. How many agency Cover supervisors or Teaching Assistants you employed
(number of days) 
During the period we employed 111 cover supervisors.  As above we record
the number lessons, not days.  The number of lessons covered by cover
supervisors was 2457.
We do not employ agency Teaching Assistants.
3. How many of those Cover supervisors hold Qualified Teaching Status on
the Education Workforce Council. 
We do not record if the agency cover supervisors employed hold QTS, as
they are not being employed as teachers.
If you require any clarification of these figures, please do not hesitate
to contact me.
Kind regards

Jo Hewitt

Data & Network Manager

Caerleon Comprehensive School | Ysgol Gyfun Caerllion

Tel | Ffôn 01633 431498 (direct line)

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