Dear Ministry of Defence,
Please provide details of QRRN's (Queens Rules Regulations Navy)
QRRN Article 0866.6
QRRN article 0876.6
QRRN Acticle 0844.2
And the relevance and legal purpose of Naval Form C240
Yours faithfully,
Mr J Whittaker
Dear Mr Whittaker
Please see the attached acknowledgment to your recent information request
to the MOD regarding QRNNs.
Kind regards
Mike Demetriou
Fleet FOI Cell
Dear Mr Whittaker
Regarding your FOI request detailed below for copies of certain articles
of the QRRNs, I’m writing for clarification on the articles you have
requested. These do not tally with the present Regs – Version BRd2 Issued
Feb 2011. There are no articles 0866.6 or 0876.6 in the current Regs, and
while there is a 0844.2, (Organisation - General Duties section of Chapter
8 – Instructions to Commanding Officers) given the other differences I’m
not at all confident that this is the information you have requested.
While we can check old versions of the QRRNs we would need to know what
version of the Regs the articles you quote appeared in, or failing that
the year of its publication. The title of the articles – or at least an
indication of their purpose would also be helpful.
Similar information regarding the Navy Form C240 you have inquired is also
I am required to inform you that the normal 20 working day deadline for
dealing with FOI requests will have to be put on hold until I have had a
response to this clarification request. We will continue processing the
request as soon as we hear from you.
Kind Regards
Mike Demetriou
Fleet FOI Cell
Full Request:
Please provide details of QRRN's (Queens Rules Regulations Navy)
QRRN Article 0866.6
QRRN article 0876.6
QRRN Acticle 0844.2
And the relevance and legal purpose of Naval Form C240
Dear FLEET-DCS-INFO-FOI2B SO3C (Demetriou, Mike Mr),
Thank you for your reply, the QRRN's that l refer to are likely to be under the chapters referring to a man's ''engagement and discharge'' in HM Royal Navy and Royal Marines and would have been in use in the 1980's (to 1986 at least). As for C240 l suggest you inform of a Naval MAA (Master At Arm's) once again in the 1980's this was a form in use to request anything from growing a beard to requesting leave, but l wish to know it's classification as a legal document by the MOD(N)and if possible a copy of this.
Yours sincerely,
john whittaker
Mr Whittaker
Please see the attached response to your recent request for copies of
certain QRRN articles.
Kind regards
Mike Demetriou
Fleet FOI Cell
Thank you for your reply of today with regard to QRRN's, however as you have handled several of my requests regarding incidents which took place in 1980 my request was for QRRN's in force in 1980's and not updated QRRN's which l believe came into force in ''Dec 1984'' and ''Change No 65'' as detailed on bottom right side of page.
So please therefore provide copies of QRRN's as quoted in force in ''1980''
Yours sincerely,
john whittaker
Dear Mr Whittaker
Please find attached versions of the QRRN Articles you have requested that
were in force in 1980. My apologies if the versions forwarded to you on 25
May were not related precisely to that year, but your clarification of 11
May mentioned the period "to 1986" and all the versions supplied were
operative in that year.
The version of the Articles requested active in 1980 and attached to this
email are:
Art. 0844.2 (page no. 8-22) operative from Change 35 in May 1978
Art. 0866.6 (page no. 8-29) operative from change 36 in June 1978
Art. 0876.6 (page no. 8-37) operative from change 41 in Apr 1979
Art 0876.6 (change 41) concerns "Unhappy Wrens" and I also include the
version of this Article (page no 8-36b) operative from change 51 in Sep
1982 when its title was changed to "Unhappy Juniors", with its content
from then remaining unchanged to the 1986 version forwarded to you on 25
May. The other 2 articles forwarded to you on 25 May were also unchanged
from those in force from Change 51 in Sep 1982.
I hope this is helpful.
Mike Demetriou
Fleet FOI Cell
Can you please clarify what change number you have provided in your download ''0844.2'' that superseded change 35 and from what date in 1980 this was operative from.
Yours sincerely,
john whittaker
Mr Whittaker,
Thank you for your email seeking clarification on the Change no. of
Article 0844.2. The change number of that article supplied in my email of
2 June, was as stated then, (and below) Change 35 - it did not supersede
change 35 - and was apparently operative from May 1978 up to and including
all of 1980. Change 36 which came in June 1978 did not change Article
Hope this is helpful.
Mike Demetriou
Fleet FOI Cell
Could you please supply the continuation from 0844.2, 0846 through to and including 0847.
Yours sincerely,
john whittaker
Dear Mr Whittaker
Please find enclosed a formal acknowledgment of your recent FOI request to
the MOD re QRRN Articles
Kind regards
Mike Demetriou
Fleet FOI Cell
Dear Mr Whittaker
Please find attached our formal response to your recent FOI request for
certain QRNN articles.
Kind regards
Mike Demetriou
Fleet FOI Cell
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