Purpose of military facility on Brecon military ranges

The request was partially successful.

Dear Ministry of Defence,

I am enquiring about a small military installation on the Brecon Beacon military ranges. It is located at grid reference SN864328.

A front page article written in the Brecon and Radnor Express dated 14th March 1991 gives details about this facility before it was built. The article is titled "MOD Comes Clean At Last Over Eppynt Range Masts". The article then goes on to describe that the facility will be part of a N.A.T.O. intelligence Network for the Trident Submarine Fleet. The article also describes how the facility will consist of four masts, each 1,500 feet in height. Masts this height would usually be VLF (very low frequency), typical of such VLF stations around the world used to send signals to submarines through the ocean.

I have recently taken photographs of the installation and had these analysed by experts in mechanical engineering. The masts that have been constructed are only approximately 44 feet in height and therefore cannot be a VLF transmission station. The experts in mechanical engineering claim these masts are probably not radio transmitters.

I also have information that a large dish is brought out during hours of darkness and used in conjunction with the four masts.

Bearing in mind this facility is in public view, and has been funded by tax payers money, can the MOD please make a statement as to the purpose of the facility at SN864328.

Yours faithfully,

Richard Hall


1 Attachment

Good Afternoon,


Please find attached the response to your recent FOI request.


Kind Regards


Defence Infrastructure Organisation