Pure Blood in preference to Mrna technology blood
Dear NHS Blood and Transplant,
Obviously it takes around 15 years to view long term side effects of a new drug/vaccine. Since the new Covid shots using Mrna technology has been put into thousands of our population, what 'Duty of Care' measures has the NHS put in place to protect the millions who chose not to take part in these trials of Mrna technology for the next 15 years. To ensure that these millions are able to keep their blood free from Mrna technology and anything else that may be in the new shots. For example - Pure blood collections V Mrna technology blood. Thankyou in advance. This question was posed to the NHS approx 2 weeks ago.
Our ref: CAS-254459-C5Q4G3
Acknowledgement: Freedom of Information Request
Dear Gavin Roberts,
Thank you for your request for information dated 05 January 2023.
I acknowledge your request to access information from NHS Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) and am presently dealing with your request under the terms of the Freedom of Information Act 2000. We aim to reply within 20 working days.
If you have any queries about this letter, please contact us at [email address]. Please remember to quote the reference number above in any future communications.
Yours sincerely,
Freedom of Information
Digital, Data and Technology Services
NHS Blood and Transplant
[email address]
Visit nhsbt.nhs.uk
Twitter @NHSBT
Dear Sir,
Please see FOI response attached.
Kind Regards,
Freedom of Information Request
Digital, Data and Technology Services
NHS Blood and Transplant
[email address]
Visit nhsbt.nhs.uk
Twitter @NHSBT
Dear Freedom of Information Requests,
Thankyu for your response. There is a very simple way to test this. Non vaccinated should not have any traces of these experimental Covid Mrna vaccines in them. So when 1 of the millions that chose not to take part in these experimental mrna vaccine regime receives blood from NHS Blood, then they it would show. Have NHS blood carried out or arranged for these tests to be carried out over a few thousand people. Rather than just assume? This is part of your 'Duty of Care'
The amount of problems with cross contaminated blood over the decades. You would think NHS would know by now. It is the taxpayers that have to pay the lawsuits. Joe Blogs off the street should not be having to point this out.
Have these tests I suggest already been carried out as research by NHS themselves?
Kind Regards,
gavin roberts
Dear Sir,
Please see service response to your follow up question:
No, NHSBT does not test donated blood for traces of any vaccines, and we cannot answer for the wider NHS.
Kind Regards,
Freedom of Information Request
Digital, Data and Technology Services
NHS Blood and Transplant
[email address]
Visit nhsbt.nhs.uk
Twitter @NHSBT
Dear Freedom of Information Requests,
The question was specific to the contents of the Covid Mrna vaccines.
The other vaccines have passed 15 years+ long term safety.
So you are happy to confirm that the millions that chose not to have the contents of MRNA Covid vaccines would be exposed to the contents if they need blood. We were not allowed to give blood for many years following receiving new experimental vaccines (without our knowledge) in the Gulf War 91.
Many experts have found the spike protein all around the body from these Covid vaccines. It has to travel somehow. It did not stay in the injection site like traditional shots.
Duty of Care out of the window from the NHS
Wow. At least it is on the record now for families of those to start lawsuits.
Yours sincerely,
gavin roberts
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Daisy Greene left an annotation ()
Thanks for submitting that FoI request. The NHS appears to be not taking this issue seriously, at all. As you say, they are sticking to the mRNA not getting into the blood stance, despite all the evidence to the contrary. Anyone concerned about contaminated blood may want to join My-Medical-Choice.org, as they have a Safe Blood donor system.