Requests similar to 'Pupil, teacher and teaching assistant exit data'

Dear Ms Darling I am emailing to confirm that we have received your Freedom of Information request for: 1) 'a monthly breakdown of numbers of teach...
Teacher and Teaching Assistant exit data
Response by Avanti Garden School to Ms Darling on .


Dear Ms Darling I am emailing to confirm that we have received your Freedom of Information request for: 1) 'a monthly breakdown of numbers of teach...
AMC and Board minutes and Terms of Reference
Response by Avanti Garden School to Ms Darling on .

Partially successful

Dear Ms Darling Please find attached the AMC meetings for May 2019 to present (as of the date of request), and the terms of reference for the AMC. ...
Screens/technology in the classroom
Response by Avanti Garden School to Ms Darling on .


Dear Ms Darling I am emailing to confirm that we have received your Freedom of Information request for: "details of all screens and technology (int...
Dear Ms Darling As requested please find attached the SSIF funding application for Cabot Learning Federation / Steiner Academy Bristol. The School Im...
Dear Ms Darling I'm emailing in response to your Freedom of Information request for: "specific, detailed documentary evidence of the input from Stei...
Avanti Schools Trust Board Minutes
Response by Avanti Schools Trust to Ms Darling on .


AST Trustees Meeting – AST35 Monday 8th October 2018 6.30pm – 8.30pm 8 Northumberland Avenue, London Chair: Mike Younger Attendees: Mike Younger, Nit...
School improvement plan
Response by Avanti Garden School to Ms Darling on .

Partially successful

Dear Ms Darling  Thank you for getting in touch regarding the FOI for the School Improvement Plan. We are aware that a request was made on the 20th...
Minutes and agenda of governing body
Response by Steiner Academy Hereford to William Davis on .

Partially successful

Dear Mr Davis, Since I have not received any reply to my letter of September 23rd (see attached), and this is the deadline date to comply with the req...
Ofsted Action Plan
Response by Avanti Garden School to Ms Darling on .


Dear Ms Darling Thank you for getting in touch regarding your request for "The Ofsted Action Plan for Steiner Academy Bristol". I am writing to conf...
School improvement plan
Response by Steiner Academy Exeter to Ms Darling on .


Dear Ms Darling, Further to your email dated 20th September 2019 please find attached a letter and copy of the School Improvement Plan for Steiner Ac...
Allan Matthews
Response by Northamptonshire County Council to Matthew Peleszok on .


Good afternoon,   Please see attached response   Kind regards     Tracey Gilkes FOI / DP Admin Northamptonshire County Council Busi...
Governing body minutes

Awaiting classification

Dear Ms Felsham, We have finished processing your Freedom of Information Request for “a copy of the governing body minutes and associated reports f...
Dear Ms Zaher Further to your recent request for access to information within the Freedom of Information Act, please see the attached letter. Kind r...
Top 10 most popular library books since 2016
Response by Liverpool City Council to Claire Wilde on .

Partially successful

  Dear Claire Wilde   Apologies for the delay in responding to your request.   Thank you for your request for information received on 29 November...
Avanti’s business case
Response by Department for Education to Rebecca Woodward on .

Long overdue

Dear Rebecca,  Please see letter and documents attached.  Kind regards.  FOI request ref: 2020-0006762, 2020-0006765, 2020-007567 Dear Rebecca Wood...
BNP Teachers
Response by Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council to Mark Walker on .


Dear Mark Walker, RE: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION REQUEST With regard to your Freedom of Information Request, Oldham Council are happy to supply th...
Your FOI responses
Response by North Somerset Council to R Tozer on .


Information request Our reference: 3097121 --------------------------------------------------------------------------   Dear R Tozer   Thank yo...
TMB Minutes and Papers
Response by Longsands Academy, St Neots to J Boyle on .

Partially successful

Mr Boyle In response to your request received by us on 26^th June 2019, for information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, regarding Longsan...
Governing Body Meetings
Response by Michaela Community School to Taylor Davis on .


Dear Mr Davis, Please find attached documents as requested. Regards Michaela FOI Team Michaela Community School GOVERNING BODY MEETING Minutes o...
function council
Response by Leeds City Council to Stuart Hardwicke CARRUTHERS on .

Partially successful

Dear Mr Carruthers Please find attached a response to your Freedom of Information request. Kate Arscott Freedom of Information Practitioner (Democ...
Dear Mr Thomas   Thank you for your Freedom of Information request.   Please find attached the Graduate Directories for 2013, 2014 and 2015. ...
Independent Schools Council correspondence
Response by Department for Education to Jim Fitzpatrick on .

Awaiting classification

Dear Mr Fitzpatrick,   Thank you for your request for information, which was received on the 7^th of December 2022. You requested: Could I pleas...
Budget data
Response by Northumberland County Council to Stephen Cockburn on .


Our Ref: 3750    Dear Enquirer, FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REQUEST  I refer to your Freedom of Information request in which you asked: I would l...
Astrea Reads Risk Assessments
Response by Astrea Academy Trust to Bob Henderson on .


Dear Mr Henderson   I write further regarding your Freedom of Information Request received by us on 28 November 2023, regarding Astrea Reads Progr...