Pupil data: personal data releases to third parties Q1-2 2016 and 2015-2016 DMAP approvals

The request was successful.

Dear Department for Education,

with reference to the third party release register published on December 14, 2016, with requests up to and including June 30, 2016 and for other non-register data requests made via the DfE in Quarter 4 2016:


1a. Please confirm the total number of eligible fast track /accredited researcher approved recipients (regardless of whether they applied and/or received data or not) on:
September 18, 2016
1b. Please provide the organisation names of those in 1a).

2. Please confirm:
a. How many total tier 1, and separately how many tier 2 requests were approved by the Data Management Advisory Panel (DMAP) July 2015 - end of June 2016
b. How many requests for tier 1, and separately how many tier 2, were approved outside the DMAP (for example, only by the Education Data Division) in 2015, and separately have been to date in 2016

3. Please provide copies of the original approved data request application forms:
a. 05/09/2016 Public Health England
b. 09/06/2016 FFT Education Ltd
c. 06/15/2016 Performance In Context (PiC)
d. 06/15/2016 Ministry of Justice (MOJ)
e. 06/13/16 Innovative Consultancy UK (ICUK)
f. 06/14/16 Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA)
g. 04/28/2016 The Wellcome Trust (WT)
h. 06/24/2016 Department for Work and Pensions (DWP)
i. 03/24/2016 Sagacity Research Ltd
j. 03/23/2016 Good Schools Guide
k. 03/16/2016 Julian Clarke Enterprises Limited
l. 03/07/2016 MIME Consulting
m. 01/5/2016 Stanford University (not fulfilled)
n. 03/4/2015 Tutor Hunt (Irrox Ltd)
0. 12/12/2014 Office for Public Management (OPM)

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Yours sincerely,
Jen Persson

ACCOUNT, Unmonitored, Department for Education

Dear Ms Persson,


Thank you for your recent enquiry. A reply will be sent to you as soon as
possible. For information; the departmental standard for correspondence
received is that responses should be sent within 20 working days as you
are requesting information under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. Your
correspondence has been allocated reference number 2016-0058282.


Thank you                                                                 


Department for Education

Ministerial and Public Communications Division

Tel: 0370 000 2288

Dear Department for Education,

today, February 7, you have sent me some of this information via a direct personal email. I would appreciate a reply through this channel as it was requested, at https://www.whatdotheyknow.com/request/3...

Many thanks.

Jen Persson

REQUESTS, NPD, Department for Education

2 Attachments

  • Attachment

    2016 0058282 CRM 0040033.html

    16K Download

  • Attachment

    Redacted applications.zip

    2.6M Download

Hi Jen,

I attach the response to your FOI request using the email address you have provided below.


Martin Johnson
National Pupil Database team


show quoted sections