Requests similar to 'Pupil data: personal data releases to third parties Q1-2 2016 and 2015-2016 DMAP approvals'

Pupil data: licensing agreements
Response by Department for Education to Jen Persson on .

Partially successful

Dear Ms Persson, Thank you for your request for information, which was received on 14/03/2017. The request has been dealt with under the Freedom of...
Dear Jen Persson Please find attached response in relation to your request for information. Yours sincerely Paul Robinson Information Governance...
Dear Mr Kieran Thank you for your recent Freedom of Information request. Please find below the College’s response to your questions. I'm writing to r...
Dear Ms Persson,   REF: 2018-0045200   Thank you for your request, which was received 16 November 2018.   You asked the following:   Un...
Dear Ms Persson, REF: 2017 – 0056929 Thank you for your request, which was originally received 2 November 2017. The request was then re-submitted...
Pupil data: Children not in education
Response by Bristol City Council to Defend Digital Me on .


  Dear Jen Persson     Thank you for your request for information received on 21 October 2021.   Apologies for the delay.   Please find attache...
Part 3 attached.   From: IMPFOI Sent: 29 May 2018 12:03 To: Till Bruckner Cc: IMPFOI Subject: FW: RE: Freedom of Information request - ICL emai...
Dear Ms Persson, Thank you for your freedom of information request, which was received on 23rd July 2015. Your request is given in Annex A (attached)....
Tier 2 (General) COS Issued by Nationality
Response by Home Office to Aditi on .


Dear Aditi   Please see the attached response and separately attached data table following your request for information.   Kind regards  ...
Tier 2 (General) COS Issued Per Year
Response by Home Office to Aditi on .


Dear Aditi   Please see the attached response and separately attached data table following your request for information.   Kind regards  ...
Pupil Data: national pupil database releases
Request sent to Department for Education by Jen Persson on .


1. The NPD User Guide p.23 (2.3.3) outlines the NPD fast track, accredited researcher process.
Please find attached files from Cc Cz - G L   From: CRB Freedom Of Information Sent: 27 October 2011 10:49 To: 'Archie Taylor' Subject: Freedom...
If you have received this email in error, please notify us by telephone on 01437 764551 and delete it from your computer immediately. Os ydych chi we...
Dear Nikhil Prabhu,   In response to your Freedom of Information request, please see our response in the attached document.   Please note that...
Admission Statistics for 2021-2023
Response by University of Cambridge to Martin Wang on .

Partially successful

Further to your request for information, please find attached the University’s response. Regards, Information Compliance Office University of Cambrid...
Dear Mr Evans Please find attached our response to your request below. I apologise for the delay in response. Regards Correspondence Officer Govern...
Sector information for Tier 2 Sponsors
Response by UK Border Agency to A Nasir on .


Dear A Nasir   Please see the attached response and separately attached data table following your request for information.   Kind Regards  ...
Dear Ms Abdullah, Going through our records, we are unsure if our office sent a reply to your request of 13 February, 2019. If not, please accept ou...
“This email is covered by the disclaimer found at the end of the message.” ________________________________ Dear Mr Dobson Please find attached re...
Online Application Information
Response by Criminal Records Bureau to George Griffiths on .


Dear Mr Griffiths Please find attached our response to your Freedom of Information request sent to the CRB. Kind Regards Elise Snelham CRB Freedom...
Mar 2017 Sector information for Tier 2 Sponsors
Response by Home Office to A Nasir on .


Dear Sir or Madam   FOI 43253   Please find attached a response to your FOI enquiries of 18 March 2017.   Regards   CCT FOI team  ...
Pupil data: Children not in education
Response by Devon County Council to Defend Digital Me on .

Waiting clarification

Dear Jen Persson     Freedom of Information Act 2000   Reference 13006313     We write further to your request for information that Devon C...
School software support
Response by Plymouth City Council to M Vamsi on .

Awaiting classification

OFFICIAL Dear M Vamsi Please find attached the response to your Freedom of Information request. Kind Regards Hayley Stevens Information Access Offi...
Dear Ms Elder   Please find attached response to above FOI request.   Kind regards Laura     Department of Health, Social Services and...
LSE Digest 2015-2016
Response by London School of Economics to Jeremy May on .


Dear Jeremy, Publication early May was the intention. The LSE Digest for 2015-16 is ready for publication but changes to the website have delayed this...