Pulmonary Rehab Services

The request was partially successful.

Dear Western Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland),

I'd like to please request the following information with regards to the pulmonary rehab services your patients have access to.

1) Who commissions the Pulmonary Rehab services your patients have access to and who provides these services?

2) When did the services first commence?

3) How many patients have been referred to the service in the last 12 months and 24 months of data held?

4) Of these being referred how many have actually attended the service in these same time periods?

5) How long does the average patient stay within the services?

6) What is the current waiting list size for the service?

7) What is the current remaining contract durations for these services?

8) Has the CCG ever commissioned Digital Respiratory Services?

If so were these for Pulmonary Rehab?

If so who were the providers?

If so how many patients have utilised this digital element?

Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions.

Yours faithfully,

Oliver Caswell

FOI Request, Western Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)

We acknowledge receipt of your Freedom of Information (FOI) request. Our reference number for this request is listed in the subject line of this email.

Your request will be logged and processed, and we will do our utmost to respond as quickly as possible; however there may be some delays as staff are asked to prioritise their professional caring duties and to support front line health and social care services in responding to the Covid19 emergency. 

Kind Regards

Freedom of Information Office
Western Health & Social Care Trust
Email: [Western Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland) request email]

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FOI Request, Western Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland)

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Caswell

I refer to your Freedom of Information (FOI) request below which was received by the Western Health and Social Care Trust on 12th April 2022.

Please see attached a Trust response to your request.


Freedom of Information Office
Western Health & Social Care Trust
Email: [Western Health and Social Care Trust (Northern Ireland) request email]

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