Public vs Private money

Tina Marshall made this Freedom of Information request to Dounreay Site Restoration Limited This request has been closed to new correspondence. Contact us if you think it should be reopened.

The request was partially successful.

Dear Dounreay Site Restoration Limited,

How legal is it to put public money against private enterprise.
Please provide the amount of funding awarded to Venture North over the last five years.

Yours faithfully,

Tina Marshall

Communications, Dounreay Site Restoration Limited

Thank you for contacting the Dounreay communications team.
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Outside office hours, our duty press officer is here to assist you.
If you need a response outside office hours, please telephone 01847 803210
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Communications, Dounreay Site Restoration Limited


Dear Tina,

Thank you for your email of 10 July in which you ask for details of funding that Dounreay has given to Venture North over the past 5 months, under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

This request repeats your previous request also submitted on 10 July, and therefore I am refusing it under section 14(2) of the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

If you are unhappy with the way your request for information has been handled, you can request that we carry out an internal review, and in the first instance contact

If you remain dissatisfied with the handling of your request you have a right to appeal to the Information Commissioner either by email at or by writing to: Information Commissioner+IBk-s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF


Sue Thompson
Internal Communications Manager
FOI Practitioner / Duty Press Officer

T: 01847 802371 +AHw- M: 07894 885773 +AHw- Call me on Microsoft Teams


show quoted sections

Dear Communications,

"How legal is it to put public money against private enterprise. "
This part has not been addressed.

This can be reworded if you wish, but the more time you make me spend on this matter, the more it will cost Dounreay in the long run. I have just had a half hour conversation with someone complaining about the lack of access around Dounreay, ie they have to walk on the road. That is £50 and another £100 for submitting these requests which would not be necessary had Dounreay played fair with the North Highland Way and told untruths.

Yours sincerely,

Tina Marshall

Tina Marshall (Account suspended) left an annotation ()

This can be reworded if you wish, but the more time you make me spend on this matter, the more it will cost Dounreay in the long run. I have just had a half hour conversation with someone complaining about the lack of access around Dounreay, ie they have to walk on the road. That is £50 and another £100 for submitting these requests which would not be necessary had Dounreay played fair with the North Highland Way and not told untruths.

Dear Communications,
Note amendment in annotations.

Yours sincerely,

Tina Marshall

Communications, Dounreay Site Restoration Limited


Dear Tina,

Dounreay is not the appropriate body to answer this question. We suggest that you consult a legal firm who could advise.


Sue Thompson
Internal Communications Manager
FOI Practitioner / Duty Press Officer

T: 01847 802371 +AHw- M: 07894 885773 +AHw- Call me on Microsoft Teams


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Dear Communications,

I will not be spending money on matters which Dounreay have their own legal advisers.
Yours sincerely,

Tina Marshall

Tina Marshall (Account suspended) left an annotation ()

Now Dounreay, not happy with not funding the North Highland Way, a perfectly acceptable project, and not happy with paying Venture North to compete against private enterprise, they now have the audacity to tell me to go to a legal adviser. Is it that they want me to launch a legal challenge which I could never win against such a big company? What is their socio economic policy exactly.

Dear Dounreay Site Restoration Limited,

Please pass this on to the person who conducts Freedom of Information reviews.

I am writing to request an internal review of Dounreay Site Restoration Limited's handling of my FOI request 'Public vs Private money'.

This has not been responded to, except to tell the requester to seek legal advice. Legal advice is not required, this is merely an FOI.

A full history of my FOI request and all correspondence is available on the Internet at this address:

Yours faithfully,

Tina Marshall

Communications, Dounreay Site Restoration Limited


Case Ref: 20230022

Dear Tina,

Thank you for your request for an internal review.

As we have answered all your questions, we do not consider that an internal review is appropriate.


Sue Thompson
Internal Communications Manager
FOI Practitioner / Duty Press Officer

T: 01847 802371 +AHw- M: 07894 885773 +AHw- Call me on Microsoft Teams


show quoted sections

Dear Communications,

That is fine. This matter will be taken to the SNP for verification when they are back from recess.

Yours sincerely,

Tina Marshall