Public Sector Financial Efficiency
Dear Manchester Mental Health and Social Care Trust,
I am researching the financial efficiency of the public sector. Please provide the following information under the FOI act.
1) Please state the total number of Accounts Payable invoices processed by the organisation in the last financial year (15/16)
2) In the last five years, please state the name(s) of all external organisation(s) used to review AP and identify and recover erroneous payments, and the period(s) reviewed by each.
3) Please state the total value of moneys recovered by each provider in the period(s) reviewed.
4) Please state the total amount paid to any external parties for this review work.
Thank you for your time.
Yours faithfully,
Mr J Taylor
Dear J Taylor,
Please see attached acknowledgement of your FOI request.
Rita Kenny
Personal Assistant to Dr JS Bamrah (Medical Director)
and Philip King (Chief Operating Officer / Chief Nurse)
T: 0161 882 1061
E mail: [1][email address]
Manchester Mental Health and Social Care Trust
Chorlton House
70 Manchester Road
Chorlton cum Hardy
M21 9UN
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Please see attached response to your enquiry.
Diana Paul
Personal Assistant to:
John Harrop Deputy Chief Executive/Director of Strategy
Sam Simpson Director of Finance
Manchester Mental Health & Social Care Trust
Chorlton House
70 Manchester Road
Manchester, M21 9UN
Tel: 0161 882 1381
Fax: 0161 882 1090
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exemptions in the Act.
Dear Paul, Diana,
Thank you for your response so far. With regards to question 1, please can you confirm the total value of these invoices?
Yours sincerely,
J Taylor
Dear Paul, Diana,
Have you had any progress with the above?
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
J Taylor
Please see attached response which was sent to you on 15 July.
Diana Paul
Personal Assistant to:
John Harrop Deputy Chief Executive/Director of Strategy
Sam Simpson Director of Finance
Tel: 0161 882 1381
Fax: 0161 882 1090
From: Paul, Diana
Sent: 15 July 2016 11:32
To: '[FOI #342140 email]'
Subject: FOI 2018 response
Please see attached response to your enquiry.
Diana Paul
Personal Assistant to:
John Harrop Deputy Chief Executive/Director of Strategy
Sam Simpson Director of Finance
Manchester Mental Health & Social Care Trust
Chorlton House
70 Manchester Road
Manchester, M21 9UN
Tel: 0161 882 1381
Fax: 0161 882 1090
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The opinions expressed in this email represent the views of the sender,
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and/or any response under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 unless the
information in the email and/or any response is covered by one of the
exemptions in the Act.
Dear Paul, Diana,
Thank you again for your response. On the 15th July I followed up with a query "With regards to question 1, please can you confirm the total value of these invoices?"
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
J Taylor
Dear Mr Taylor
As far as I can tell your additional question was not part of the original request, would you like to submit a new one?
Diana Paul
Personal Assistant to:
John Harrop Deputy Chief Executive/Director of Strategy
Sam Simpson Director of Finance
Tel: 0161 882 1381
Fax: 0161 882 1090
Dear Paul, Diana,
Either that or if you can send through your full 15/16 accounts, I will be able to get the information from there.
If it will become a new request, as I initially posed the question on the 15/07/16, I will take it that the 20 day deadline will be from there?
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
J Taylor
Dear Paul, Diana,
Either that or if you can send through your full 15/16 accounts, I will be able to get the information from there.
If it will become a new request, as I initially posed the question on the 15/07/16, I will take it that the 20 day deadline will be from there?
Thank you.
Yours sincerely,
J Taylor
Dear Mr Taylor
Please see attached link to our website which has the full accounts.
Diana Paul
Personal Assistant to:
John Harrop Deputy Chief Executive/Director of Strategy
Sam Simpson Director of Finance
Tel: 0161 882 1381
Fax: 0161 882 1090
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