Public sector and private sector prisons
Dear Ministry of Justice,
I would like to know if there is going to be a change in powers
issued to private sector prison officers (prison custody officers)
similar to public sector, if not why as the job is exactly the
This means public sector are able to become special constables and
private sector can't.
Yours faithfully,
R Molineaux
Dear Sir/Madam,
Thank you for your enquiry below - I am writing to advise you that your enquiry does not fall under the Freedom of Information regime and will be dealt with by the department as Official Correspondence.
It may be helpful if I explain that the Freedom of Information Act (2000) gives individuals and organisations the right of access to all types of recorded information held, at the time the request is received, by public authorities such as the Ministry of Justice (MoJ). Section 84 of the Act states that in order for a request for information to be handled as a Freedom of Information (FOI) request, it must be for recorded information. For example, a Freedom of Information request would be for a copy of a policy, rather than an explanation as to why we have that policy in place.
On occasion, we receive requests that do not ask for a copy of recorded information, but ask more general questions about, for example, a policy, opinion or a decision.
Since you are asking for clarification on any future changes to powers issued to private sector prison officers, it would be best dealt with by our Ministerial Correspondence Unit (MCU) who will process your query as Official Correspondence.
I have copied them into this e-mail but they can be contacted via the contact details below and in the following link: should you wish to follow up this e-mail.
Ministerial Correspondence Unit
Ministry of Justice
102 Petty France
United Kingdom
DX 152380 Westminster 8
Telephone: +44 (0)20 3334 3555
Fax: +44 (0)870 761 7753
Best Wishes
Dear Mr Molineaux,
Please find attached reply to your emails of 3rd and 13th July.
Kind regards
Roger Davis
Ministry of Justice
Probation and Contracted Service Directorate
5th Floor
Clive House
70, Petty France
London SW1H 9EX
0300 047 6292
<<Reply to Mr R Molineaux 14.8.12.pdf>>
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