Public Rights of Way GIS Data

The request was successful.

Robert Whittaker

Dear Cumbria County Council,

I am writing as a following up to a previous request that I made "EIR 2017-0026" for your Public Rights of Way GIS data. The full history of this previous request can be found online at

I have just started looking at the data you provided, and have a few follow-up queries:

1/ It appears that the data you supplied before excludes the area of the Lake District National Park. I believe that you are still officially the Surveying Authority for this area, and the Rights of Way within the National Park are shown on your online map at . So would it be possible for you to provide this additional data too, as I believe it falls within the scope of my original request?

(Interestingly, I see that the National Park Authority provides data for the Rights of Way within its boundaries at , but states that this excludes urban paths within Bowness, Keswick and Ambleside. Could you confirm if there are any such Rights of Way, and if there is GIS data for them -- as they currently don't appear in either the dataset you released or that from LDNPA.)

2/ I believe that the numbers assigned to each Right of Way in Cumbria in the data you provided comprise a three-digit parish code, followed by a three-digit path number. Could you please supply me with a list of the three-digit parish codes in use, together with the name of the parish corresponding to each? If possible, could you also include the district that each parish lies in? (These will possibly be historic parishes, but that's fine for my purposes.) I would like this information in a re-usable electronic format, e.g. a spreadsheet or CSV file. Could you also confirm whether these same 3+3-digit codes/numbers are used in the Definitive Statement? If not, what numbering / naming scheme is used there?

3/ Since your Public Rights of Way GIS data is a dataset under FOIA, I believe that under the ICO's Model Publication Scheme at (which you are required to adopt) you must publish updated versions of any dataset released unless you are "satisfied that it is not appropriate to do so". Therefore would you please consider pro-actively publishing updates to your Rights of Way dataset on your website or on This way, those wanting to make use of the information will not have to make regular FOI/EIR requests to get updates, and you will save time by not having to respond to them individually. If you believe that it is "not appropriate to do so", I'd be grateful if you could explain why.

As before, under the Re-Use of Public Sector Information Regulations, I would like to request permission to re-use any information supplied under the Open Government Licence v3. The purposes for which the information is to be re-used are: (a) to help improve the mapping of Rights of Way in OpenStreetMap, and (b) to convert the datasets to a more convenient format, and then make them available for others to re-use under an open licence.

Yours faithfully,

Robert Whittaker

Information Governance, Cumbria County Council

Dear Mr Whittaker






Thank you for your request for information regarding rights of way data,
which was received on 2 July.


The council aims to provide you with the information within the statutory
timescale of 20 working days in this case the date is 30 July.  Subject to
the information not being exempt or containing any references to third


The council will, as a matter of routine make information available in
electronic format.  Where it is not practical to do this information will
be provided in hard copy (paper).  If information is required in
alternative formats e.g. language, audio, large print, etc., please
indicate this as soon as possible so the council can consider your


The Freedom of Information Act 2000 and Environmental Information
Regulations 2004 define a number of exemptions/exceptions which may
prevent information being released to you automatically.  The council will
make an assessment about the application of any exemptions/exceptions and
issue you with a decision letter, which will include details of your right
to appeal.


If the information you request contains reference to a third party the
council will consult with them prior to making a decision about the
release of information.


In accordance with the council’s [1]Charging Policy a fee may be charged
for supplying information.  If a fee is payable you will be issued with a
fees notice.  The applicable fee must be paid in full before the
information is processed and released.  The statutory time limit for
responses is suspended until the council has received and processed your
payment.  If payment is not received within three months of issuing the
fees notice your request will be closed.


If you have any queries or concerns about this email then please contact:


Information Governance Team

Corporate, Customer & Community Services

Cumbria County Council, Cumbria House, 117 Botchergate, Carlisle, CA1 1RD

Email: [2][Cumbria County Council request email]

Telephone: 01228 221234


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Information Governance, Cumbria County Council

3 Attachments

Dear Mr Whittaker





Please see attached for a response to your request for information.


Yours sincerely


Information Governance Team

Corporate, Customer and Community Services • Cumbria County Council

Cumbria House • 117 Botchergate • Carlisle • CA1 1RD

E: [1][Cumbria County Council request email]

T: 01228 221234



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1. mailto:[Cumbria County Council request email]