Dear Grampian Health Board,

For all psychiatry grades (e.g. Consultant, SAS) and all sub-specialties (e.g. General Adult, Old Age, CAMHS) for the periods 2021/22, 2022/23, 2023/2024 and April to September 2024:

1. Please could you provide the data for total spend, for each locum agency used, divided between on and off framework

2. Please confirm the total number of agency locum psychiatrists working per month, for each agency supplier divided between on and off framework.

3. Please confirm the total number of hours worked by agency locum psychiatrists per month, for each agency supplier divided between on and off framework.

4. Please confirm the total number of unfilled vacancies (excluding locum filled posts) per month.

Thank you for considering my request.

Yours faithfully,

Toby Williams

GRAM Foi, Grampian Health Board

Dear Mr Williams

Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002

Thank you for your email dated 1 November 2024, requesting information
regarding Psychiatry Agency Locums 2021 - 2024.  We have recorded this
request and are currently processing it in accordance with the Freedom of
Information (Scotland) Act 2002.

A response to your request for information is due by 29 November 2024.
Please allow for delivery time.

We will contact you again in due course.


Best wishes,


Susie Nattrass

Information Governance Officer 

Information Governance Team 


NHS Grampian 

Rosehill House 

Cornhill Road 


AB25 2ZG 


Phone: 01224 554983

[1][NHS Grampian request email] 

My working hours are

Monday and Tuesday – 8am – 6pm

Wednesday and Thursday – 8am – 5pm



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GRAM Foi, Grampian Health Board

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Williams

Please find attached response to your request.

I apologise for the delay which was beyond our direct control and due to
the high volume of requests submitted to our Finance coleagues.



Chris Morrice

Senior Information Governance Officer

NHS Grampian

Rosehill House


AB25 2ZG

Email: christopher.[email address]



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