£30,000 Burglary arrest of Northumbria Police Chief (Greg Vant ) singer son (Matthew Vant) 'hushed up' ....
Martin McGartland
17 October 2018
Dear Vera Baird,
Burglary arrest of Northumbria Police Chief singer son 'hushed up' ....
Police are accused of hushing-up arrest of senior officer's singer son for £30,000 break-in
Son of a senior Northumbria Police officer was arrested on suspicion of burglary
Damage of around £30,000 was caused to a shop in Sunderland after a flat party
But details of Matthew Vant's arrest were wiped from internal police computer
An IPCC probe found assistant chief constable Greg Vant had no case to answer
But whistleblower said it's 'one rule for the public and one for friends of police'
PUBLISHED: 18:15 GMT, 21 January 2018 | UPDATED: 10:44 GMT, 22 January 2018
A police force has been accused of covering up the arrest of a senior officer's son after he was held on suspicion of a break-in but details of the incident were wiped from the database.
Matthew Vant was quizzed on suspicion of burglary and criminal damage following a flat party when he was a 19-year-old student in Sunderland.
It was alleged a shop below the flat, Cartridge World, was trashed and detectives discovered ink scrawled all over the walls and several computers were missing.
A vintage record collection was also missing, according to The Sunday Times.
Northumbria Police detectives probing the November 2009 incident estimated the damage to be £30,000.
Punk rocker Vant is lead singer of a band called Vant and has performed at Glastonbury and on Radio 1.
His father, Greg, is a former assistant chief constable of Northumbria Police.
Following the arrest, the force allowed the matter to be resolved through the community resolution scheme and Greg Vant paid the shop owner £1,000.
The settlements do not result in a criminal record.
Details of the incident were deleted from the internal police database in what is alleged to have been an attempt to prevent leaks to the media.
It is said details of the arrest were printed off and secretly kept in Northumbria Police's safe.
A source told the Sunday Times: 'It seems it is one rule for the public and another for friends of Northumbria police.'
The Independent Police Complaints Commission (IPCC) received a complaint about the incident in 2016 and following a review found Greg Vant had no case to answer.
He denies any wrongdoing and said the decision to delete the details of the incident was taken by a colleague.
Northumbria Police said the police watchdog had found no evidence of misconduct. I Bet, ONLY BECAUSE THE
IOPC/IPCC IS AS CORRUPT AS Northumbria Police. Worth noting that the IOPC/IPCC are covering up their *WHITEWASH) Report into the matter...
UNDER the FREEDOM of INFORMATION Act I would like a copy of the 'Investigation' Report into the above matter / case.
Yours faithfully,
Martin McGartland
Dear Mr McGartland,
Thank you for your email.
The OPCC hold no information relevant to your request.
Yours sincerely.
Office of Dame Vera Baird QC
Police and Crime Commissioner for Northumbria
Martin McGartland
19 October 2018
Dear Kevin,
Thank you very much for the swift reply.
Yours sincerely,
Martin McGartland
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It is also very relevant to place on record Vera Baird's resent public comments concerning complaints against the police, i.e. 'APCC’S RESPONSE TO THE INDEPENDENT OFFICE FOR POLICE CONDUCT’S COMPLAINTS REPORT' Which includes; APCC Deputy Lead for Transparency and Integrity, Dame Vera Baird QC PCC said:
“There is a simple concept when dealing with complaints, make sure they are dealt with efficiently, thoroughly and fairly – if the police have got it wrong, don’t be afraid to say so. Here in Northumbria, our complaints triage team have been delivering this ethos since 2014 – and it’s now part of the Governments new national model, so it’s proved to work. It’s about restoring the complainant’s faith in the service that they are complaining about.
“The IOPC make a number of valid points, but they need to recognise that change is happening and PCCs are leading this. Going forward, I want to see PCCs challenge their forces when bureaucracy and legal jargon gets in the way of putting the public first, in Northumbria we keep the public we serve at the heart of everything we do. “The IOPC are right when they say lessons need to be learnt from complaints – that’s the only way forces can get better. Every complaint should offer a challenge of how to improve further. Under the leadership of Mike Lockwood, I am confident that we will see a changed culture at the IOPC which will also be reflected in forces across England and Wales.”
Page link Here; http://www.apccs.police.uk/latest-news/a...
I have made a number of serious complaints to Vera Baird over the years which relate to very serious corruption, failures in my attempted murder investigation, serious failures regards me as victim, NP smear / dirty tricks campaign against me (and the ongoing 19 year cover up of it), NP protecting suspects from arrests as well as IRA terrorists who tried to murder me, obstruction of the investigations Etc
Vera Baird (as well as others acting on her behalf) have failed at every stage to properly record or investigate those complaints. This, I am clear, was to protect her corrupt force, officers who I complained about. All complaints were Whitewashed and covered up in one way or another by Vera Baird and Co. She also has very deliberately circumvented, when she was well aware my complaints were not suitable, local resolution (LR) so that no proper investigations (Again, I say, for above reasons) were ever carried out.
Vera Baird is much more aware than most that LR is not suitable - as with my complaints - (and as the IPCC/IOPC have made clear in one of their upheld latest decisions in my case against her) for complaints, if proven, could potentially lead to disciplinary proceedings. In their 13 September 2018 decision (in which they upheld my appeal against OPCC / PCC Baird) the IOPC / IPCC also stated; 'As far as I can be seen from the background papers , the OPCC has not made any enquiries or conducted any scoping exercise to ascertain whether there is any merit in your allegations that Mr Ashman was aware of the findings of the report and ignored them, nor any attempt made to ascertain how they can be 'resolved'. And the IPCC /IOPC also stated; 'Furthermore, importantly, there is no indication that OPCC has attempted to engage with you to take part in the local resolution process. Plus, no action plan on how to conduct the local resolution has been agreed between you. These are both essential actions expected of local resolution process, yet neither have been conducted.'
Vera Baird above public and following comments; “There is a simple concept when dealing with complaints, make sure they are dealt with efficiently, thoroughly and fairly.' Are pure Poppycock - not worth the paper they are written on so far as the way so, her office has deal with my complaints over the years. Has she dealt with my complaints 'efficiently' ? Absolutely Not. 'Thoroughly'? Absolutely Not. And not at all. 'Fairly.'? All she (others acting on her behalf) has done with my complaints is Cover Up, Whitewash and protect her corrupt force, the corrupt officers I complained about. And she (they) have also ignored evidence (including independent evidence) which supported my complaints.