£23 million from the Transforming Cities Fund
Dear West Midlands Combined Authority,
Since October 2018 the WMCA has committed £23 million from the Transforming Cities Fund to improve cycling and walking.
Please detail:
a) How much of that £23m has been spent so far? Please breakdown by project/scheme and cost line items.
b) How much of that £23m has been allocated to specific projects or schemes so far (funding has been earmarked but costs have not been incurred or work has not started). Please breakdown by project and cost line items.
c) How many miles of protected/segregated cycleways have been i) started and ii) completed since May 2017 under WMCA's jurisdiction?
Yours faithfully,
[Name Removed]
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Website: www.wmca.org.uk<http://www.wmca.org.uk>
16 Summer Lane. Birmingham, B19 3SD
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Dear [name removed]
Thank you for your Freedom of Information Request received on 30^th
January 2020.
Please fin dour response attached
Kind regards
Fazila Nawaz
Governance Coordinator
Direct Dial: 0121 214 7201
Email: [email address]
Website: www.wmca.org.uk
[1]Climate Change Engagement
[2]West Midlands Combined Authority
Building a healthier, happier, better connected and more prosperous West
16 Summer Lane, Birmingham, B19 3SD
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Find out about WMCA by visiting [3]https://www.wmca.org.uk
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Visible links
1. https://wmca.org.uk/climatechange/
2. http://www.wmca.org.uk/
3. https://www.wmca.org.uk/
Dear Fazila Nawaz,
Thanks for your reply.
Could you confirm your response indicates that £19,914 has been spent since October 2018 out of the pledged £23,000,000?
To respond to your question "Please confirm your definition of protected cycleway.
Can you also confirm what you mean by WMCA jurisdiction. Are you referring to the WMCA
geographical area or WMCA powers to distribute funds?"
To confirm, a protected cycleway refers to the physical separation of cyclists from motorised traffic, and can be provided by the following:
Kerbed plinths AKA Armadillos
Soft margins or verges
Crash barriers (Trunk roads)
I am referring to WMCA powers to distribute funds. If WMCA have provided funding but the delivery has been from a local council or other provider, this could also be included.
Yours sincerely,
[Name Removed]
Thank you for your email. I am away from the Office and will respond to your email on my return on the 24th February 2020
Kind regards
Fazial Nawaz
Dear Fazila Nawaz,
I just wanted to check you got my reply? I think you were out of office.
Yours sincerely,
[Name Removed]
Dear Fazila Nawaz,
Please could I check you received my follow up to this?
Could you confirm your response indicates that £19,914 has been spent since October 2018 out of the pledged £23,000,000?
To respond to your question "Please confirm your definition of protected cycleway.
Can you also confirm what you mean by WMCA jurisdiction. Are you referring to the WMCA
geographical area or WMCA powers to distribute funds?"
To confirm, a protected cycleway refers to the physical separation of cyclists from motorised traffic, and can be provided by the following:
Kerbed plinths AKA Armadillos
Soft margins or verges
Crash barriers (Trunk roads)
I am referring to WMCA powers to distribute funds. If WMCA have provided funding but the delivery has been from a local council or other provider, this could also be included.
Yours sincerely,
[Name Removed]
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