Requests similar to '£1 Million a month Horizon "shortages " write-off' (page 2)

Dear Mr O'Sullivan, Please find the attached response relating to your Freedom of Information request. Regards, Information Rights Team Finsbu...
Prosecuting SPM's
Response by Post Office Limited to john o'sullivan on .

Long overdue

Dear Mr O'Sullivan, Please find the attached response relating to your recent email. Regards, Information Rights Team Finsbury Dials 20 Finsbu...
FOI response
Response by Post Office Limited to john o'sullivan on .


Our ref: FOI2023/00260 Dear John, Thank you for your request for information which was received on 12th May. Your request is being considered unde...
Capture of data in Branch for Royal Mail
Response by Post Office Limited to john o'sullivan on .


Our ref: FOI2023/00094 Dear John O'Sullivan, Thank you for your request for information which was received on 22nd February. Your request is being...
Dear John O'Sullivan, Please find the attached response relating to your Freedom of Information request. Regards, Information Rights Team Fins...
Subpostmaster Pay as a % of POL income
Response by Post Office Limited to john o'sullivan on .


Dear John O'sullivan, Please find the response attached relating to your Freedom of Information request. Regards, Jackie Lawrence Information...
POL income.
Response by Post Office Limited to john o'sullivan on .


Dear Mr O'Sullivan, Please find the response attached to your Freedom of Information request. Regards, Jackie Lawrence Information Rights Team...
Subpostmaster Pay december 2020
Response by Post Office Limited to john o'sullivan on .


Dear Mr O'Sullivan, Please find attached the response to your Freedom of Information request. Regards, Jackie Lawrence Information Rights Team...
Horizon Historic Shortfall Scheme
Response by Post Office Limited to john o'sullivan on .


Dear John O'Sullivan Please find an update attached relating to your Freedom of Information request. Regards Jackie Lawrence Information Right...
Dear john o'sullivan, Please find the attached response relating to your email. Regards, Information Rights Team Finsbury Dials 20 Finsbury St...
Mails segregation Bonus scheme
Response by Post Office Limited to john o'sullivan on .

Partially successful

Dear John O'sullivan Please find an update attached to your Freedom of Information request Regards David Sinclair Information Rights Team 20...
Subpostmaster Pay
Response by Post Office Limited to john o'sullivan on .


Dear Mr O'Sullivan, Please find the response attached to your Freedom of Information request. Regards, Jackie Lawrence Information Rights Team...
Seat on The Board
Response by Post Office Limited to john o'sullivan on .


Dear Mr O'Sullivan, Please find the response attached relating to your Freedom of Information request. Regards, Jackie Lawrence Information Ri...
Post Office Contract Mangers contacting Branches
Response by Post Office Limited to john o'sullivan on .

Awaiting internal review

Dear Mr O'Sullivan, Please find the attached response relating to your email. Regards, Information Rights Team Finsbury Dials 20 Finsbury Stre...
Dear Mr O'Sullivan, Please find the attached response relating to your Freedom of Information request. Regards, Information Rights Team Finsbu...
Subpostmaster Pay january 2021
Response by Post Office Limited to john o'sullivan on .


Dear Mr O'Sullivan, Please find the response attached relating to your Freedom of Information request. Regards, Jackie Lawrence Information Ri...
Long Term Service
Response by Post Office Limited to john o'sullivan on .


Dear John O'Sullivan, Please find attached the response relating to your Freedom of Information request. Regards, Liesl Jackson Information Ri...
On Line and prepaid postage
Response by Post Office Limited to john o'sullivan on .

Partially successful

Dear John O'Sullivan, Please find attached the response relating to your Freedom of Information request. Regards, Liesl Jackson Information Ri...
Dear Mr O'Sullivan, With apologies for the slightly delay, please find attached the response relating to your Freedom of Information request. Rega...
Dear John O'Sullivan, Please find attached the response relating to your Freedom of Information request. Regards, David Sinclair Information R...
Our ref: FOI2023/00236 Dear Peter Howard, Thank you for your request for information which was received on 28th April. Your request is being consi...
SPM Prosecution Aquittal Reports
Response by Post Office Limited to john o'sullivan on .

Partially successful

Dear John O'Sullivan, I am writing in response to your request for information, received on 23rd August. Yours sincerely, Data Protection and In...
Sub Postmaster Contracts
Response by Post Office Limited to john o'sullivan on .


Dear Mr O'Sullivan, Please find attached the response relating to your Freedom of Information request. Regards, David Sinclair Information Rig...
Seat on the Board
Response by Post Office Limited to john o'sullivan on .


Dear John O'Sullivan, Please find attached correspondence relating to the additional questions you asked following our initial response to your Free...
NFSP Articles of Association
Response by Post Office Limited to john o'sullivan on .

Partially successful

Our ref: FOI2023/00008 Dear Mr O'Sullivan, Thank you for your request for information which was received on 9th January. Your request is being con...