Provision of augmentative and alternative communication devices

The request was successful.

Dear Dorset Primary Care Trust (PCT),

I am an academic researcher, attempting to assess the provision of augmentative and alternative communication devices by the NHS. Would you please send me details of augmentative and alternative communication devices supplied/purchased by your trust between 31st March 2006 and 1st April 2011. I would like the information broken down by both product name (So for example Dynavox Xpress, iPod touch with TapToTalk, BigMack) and by year. I would like information for both children and adults, but I don't require a breakdown by age.

I attempting to find out how many people who have poor or no speech have a speech aid, in particular electronic speech aids, and I would like to know how many have been supplied by the trust during the last five years.

Deven PCT have helpfully give examples on a previous request. The format they used was

4 X Digital Electronic Larynxes (Servox)
2 x Listen To Me
2 x Lightwriters
1 x Dynawrite
1 x Dynamo
1 x Falck Voice Amplifier
1 x Lions Speech Aid
1 x Go Talk
1 x Little Mack

9 x Digital Electronic Larynxes (Servox)
2 x Lightwriters
1 x mini Printer
2 x The Grid software
2 x Falck Voice Amplifiers
1 x Listen To Me
1 x Textphone
1 x Talking Symbols Notepad

and this would do nicely for me. Other excellent formats were provided by:
Bradford and Airedale Teaching PCT
Bromley PCT (
Bristol PCT (
and Central Lancashire PCT

Just to make the process more efficient for you guys - it would be great to clarify a couple of things at this stage - I am aware that some trusts make use of commissioning trusts to do the actual purchase of the devices; when I have contacted the commissioning trusts I've been often redirected back to the PCT because the paperwork for previous years have been stored at the PCT - this redirection must be causing additional work for both trusts in the long run and it would be great to avoid it
is an example of the problem)

Also, and again to make life easier for you, I should point about that since this request is being made via - email addresses are stripped out of replies to protect your privacy (because the responses are all available to public view- if you are to redirect my request to another body then it's ideal to just give the name of the body rather than just an email address

Yours faithfully,

Dr Joseph Reddington

Green, Joyce, Dorset Primary Care Trust (PCT)

Dr Joseph Reddington



Our Ref:          FOI/1301/111111




Dear Dr Reddington


Re:      Request made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000


Thank you for your request for information regarding the provision of
augmentative and alternative communication devices.  Your request was
received on 11 November and I am dealing with it under the terms of the
Freedom of Information Act 2000.  Under these terms you must receive a
response to your request within 20 working days from the day following
receipt.  NHS Dorset will endeavour to respond to your request in a timely
manner but no later than 09 December. 


In some circumstances a fee may be payable and if that is the case, I will
let you know.  A fees notice will be issued to you, and you will be
required to pay before we will proceed to deal with your request.


If you have any queries about this email, please do not hesitate to
contact me quoting the reference number above.


Yours sincerely




Joyce Green

Head of Information Governance

NHS Dorset/NHS Bournemouth and Poole

2nd Floor, West Wing

Vespasian House

Bridport Road




Tel No: 01305 368900

Email: [1][email address]



Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]

Dear Green, Joyce,

Hey... you're a little over your 20 mark... is everything okay over there?

Yours sincerely,


Dear Dorset Primary Care Trust (PCT),


Yours faithfully,


Green, Joyce, Dorset Primary Care Trust (PCT)

Dr Joseph Reddington



Our Ref:          FOI/1301/111111




Dear Dr Reddington


Re:      Request made under the Freedom of Information Act 2000


I am writing to confirm that NHS Dorset does not hold the information you
requested on 11 November 2011 regarding the provision of augmentative and
alternative communication devices. 


By way of explanation:

On 01 July 2011, in line with the requirement of the government’s NHS
Operating Framework 2010/11, NHS Dorset became a commissioning
organisation only.  The PCT provider arm separated from NHS Dorset and is
now under the jurisdiction of Dorset HealthCare University NHS Foundation


However, as we have not responded to your request in a timely manner, I
have sourced the information you requested from Dorset Healthcare and this
is listed below.


April 2006-March 2007

Servox x 4

Tellus 3 Joystick x 1

Mighty Mo + accessories + mount x 3

Headset for Falck voice amp 1003 X 2

SL 87+ midi mount x 1

SL35 x 8

Mosquito lapel clip for Falck amplifier x 1

E Tran Frame x 2

SL 87 + Dectalk + keyboard x 1

Words + E 2 keys for windows x 2

Tellus 3 + system package with real speak x 1

Dynavox DV4 + accessories x 3

Vantage + accessories x 2

Go Talk 20 x 1

Little Step by Step x 2

Liberator Little Step communicator  x 7

PRI Vantage communication aid + carry case x 1

Eagle Waistband amplifier x 2

Type and speak software + MDA generic JAS-JAR + infra red keyboard x 1

Boardmakers x 2

Charger for Dynavox 3100 x 1

Dynavox V Max with 512 MB memory x 1


April 2007-March 2008

Possum x PI with E2 keys x 1

Say It Sam x 3

Dynamo PCS symbol system + warranty x 1

Dynawrite x 1

SL35 Lightwriter x 3

Lightwriter with Acapela x 1

Software words + e2 keys x 1

Xena midi speech amplifier with hand held microphone x 2

Mini mo portable picture based x 2

Dynavox + 4 year warranty x 1

Dynavox M3 + carry case + 4 year warranty x 1

Dynavox V x 2

Dynavox touch screen speech communicator + bag + warranty x 1

Big Keys Lightwriter x 1

Go-Talk + x1


April 2008 – March 2009

SMI-STD Say it Sam x 2

Servox  Digital x 1

Little Mac single press message switch x 1

Dynavox V Max (Green) x 1

Say It Sam hand held text and display symbol x 2

Palm top hand held device with communication software for Dynavox x 1

Springboard Lite x 4

Falck voice amplifier x 1

SIS-STD Say It SamBundle x 1

Sl 35 Big keys lightwriter with DEC-talk speech x 1

SL40 lightwriter British English speech x 1

Dynavox Dynawrite full size keyboard x 1

V Max + accessories x 1

Freiburg speech amplifier + mike x 1


April 2009 – March 2010

Eagle amplifier x 2

SL40 Lightwriter  x 5

Palmtop 3 x 1

Jive communication package + jacket x 1

DynavoxV + carrying case + warranty x 2

E Tran Frame  x 1

V Max + warranty + mount  x 1

Springboard Lite + bag + strap + PCS symbols  x 1

Boardmakersx 2

Liberator Vantage Plus x 1

Tellus Smart 2 with synthesised speech x 1

Liberator 14 with LLL + warranty x 1


April 2010 – March 2011

Chat PC – SILK  x 1

V – Max x 1

Mega Bee hand held tablet x 1

SL40 Lightwriter x 4

Tellus Smart +accessories  x 2

HPiPAQ 214 Pocket PC x 1

 Little Step by Step x 2

Springboard Lite x 1

Vantage Lite x 1

I Phone 3G + software PROLOQUO2GO x 1

Frenchay Alphabet Board  +  2 matrix  x 1

Falck 1003 voice amplifier x 1

Falck 1001 voice amplifier  x 2


I trust this is the information you are seeking and that your request has
been fully discharged


If you are unhappy with this response, you are entitled to request an
internal review of our decision, handled where possible by a member of
staff not directly involved in the initial decision.  If you wish to
request such a review, please write direct to The Chief Executive, NHS
Dorset, 3^rd Floor, West Wing, Vespasian House, Bridport Road, Dorchester,
DT1 1TS.  We aim to deal with requests for internal review within three
weeks of receipt, although where the issues involved are very complicated
this period may be extended up to a total of six weeks.


If you should have queries about this response, please do not hesitate to
contact me quoting the above reference number and I shall be pleased to
offer any further assistance that you may require.


Yours sincerely




Joyce Green

Head of Information Governance

NHS Dorset/NHS Bournemouth and Poole

2nd Floor, West Wing

Vespasian House

Bridport Road




Tel No: 01305 368900

Email: [1][email address]



Visible links
1. mailto:[email address]

Dear Green, Joyce,

Awesome - thanks Joyce!

Yours sincerely,
