Protocols and policies regarding the care of transgender people
Dear University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust,
My name is Cleo Madeleine, and I'm writing on behalf of the healthcare provider GenderGP.
We're writing regarding the policies, protocols, and guidelines operated by each NHS Trust in relation to the care of transgender people.
We're aware that NHS England Specialised Commissioning is responsible for commissioning specialist gender identity services in England. However, we're interested in what guidelines are in place for the provision of transgender healthcare at primary and secondary care levels.
With this in mind, could you please provide the following:
1) Any equality and/or diversity policies you have in place for patients.
2) Any equality and/or diversity policies you have in place for staff.
3) Any guidelines, protocols, policies, or similar relating to care provision for transgender adults.
4) Any guidelines, protocols, policies, or similar relating to care provision for transgender children and adolescents.
5) Any guidelines, etc. relating to mental capacity and/or informed consent.
6) Any guidelines, etc. relating to shared care agreements and/or working with private services to facilitate treatment, particularly with regards to transgender healthcare.
We understand that this will be more or less relevant depending on the Trust, but please provide as much information as possible. I am happy to answer any questions you might have or provide further clarification.
Yours faithfully,
Cleo Madeleine, on behalf of
Dear Ms Madeleine
I am writing to acknowledge receipt of your email dated 7^th September
(received into our office 8^th September) 2021 requesting information
under the Freedom of Information Act (2000) regarding Protocols and
policies regarding the care of transgender people.
Your reference number is 304-2122 please quote this number on any
The FOI Act sets out a twenty working day timescale for requests to be
completed by. We will always try to complete your request within this
timeframe. We will let you know whether the Trust holds the information
you have requested, and we will contact you as soon as possible if we are
delayed in our response for some reason. If we require further information
from you or we need you to further explain your request before we can
continue to process it we will also contact you.
Please note:
· The Freedom of Information Act does not provide access to
personal records. This sits within Access to Medical Records. They can be
contacted via Ministries Office [email address]
· If we request any clarification from you to help us respond to
your request, the 20 working day deadline freezes until the requested
clarification has been received.
· If we suspect that the request has come from a Pseudonym (false
name) we will request proof of identity before processing your request, as
provision of a Pseudonym invalidates a request.
The authority can combine related requests received within a period of 60
consecutive days from:
(section 12 exemption)
• The same person or
• People who appear to be acting in concert or in pursuance
of a campaign.
Data, Security and Protection
University Hospitals of North Midlands NHS Trust
Dear Ms Madeleine,
Please find the response to your FOI request attached
Many thanks,
DSP Team
University Hospitals of North Midlands
NHS Trust
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