Protocols and policies regarding the care of transgender people
Dear Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust,
My name is Cleo Madeleine, and I'm writing on behalf of the healthcare provider GenderGP.
We're writing regarding the policies, protocols, and guidelines operated by each NHS Trust in relation to the care of transgender people.
We're aware that NHS England Specialised Commissioning is responsible for commissioning specialist gender identity services in England. However, we're interested in what guidelines are in place for the provision of transgender healthcare at primary and secondary care levels.
With this in mind, could you please provide the following:
1) Any equality and/or diversity policies you have in place for patients.
2) Any equality and/or diversity policies you have in place for staff.
3) Any guidelines, protocols, policies, or similar relating to care provision for transgender adults.
4) Any guidelines, protocols, policies, or similar relating to care provision for transgender children and adolescents.
5) Any guidelines, etc. relating to mental capacity and/or informed consent.
6) Any guidelines, etc. relating to shared care agreements and/or working with private services to facilitate treatment, particularly with regards to transgender healthcare.
We understand that this will be more or less relevant depending on the Trust, but please provide as much information as possible. I am happy to answer any questions you might have or provide further clarification.
Yours faithfully,
Cleo Madeleine, on behalf of
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Dear Madeleine,
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request.
Please note that due to the national pandemic we were not processing FOI
requests. We are now in a position to re-commence the FOI process and are
advising applicants that we are working through a large backlog. This may
unfortunately result in some delay.
Please see our acknowledgement letter attached and do let us know if you
have any questions.
Kind regards
Please note I am currently working from home.
Dean Maberly
Information Rights Assistant
Information Rights & Compliance Team
Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust
99 Waverley Road | St. Albans | Hertfordshire | AL3 5TL
Office Tel: 01727 804227
: [1]
Working Hours: Monday – Friday, 8:30am – 5:00pm
Please consider the environment before printing my email
Dear Cleo
Please find the attached response to your freedom of information request
and I would like to apologise for the lateness of this response.
Best Wishes
Sue Smith
Sue Smith
Information Rights Officer
Information Rights & Compliance Team
Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust
99 Waverley Road | St. Albans | Hertfordshire | AL3 5TL
Secure NHS Mail: [1][email address]
Working Pattern:
Monday to Friday: 08:30 – 16:30
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