Protecting Human Rights in Care Proceedings.

Department of Health (Northern Ireland) did not have the information requested.

Dear Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety (Northern Ireland),

1. Since 1 April 2009 how many applications for a Care Order have been made by the Responsible Local Authority?

2. At the date of replying, how many children are in the care of the Responsible Local Authority under:

a. A S31 Order
b. A S20 Order

3. How many of the applications for a Care Order made since 1 April 2009 have resulted in:

a. A Supervision Order
b. A Care Order - Permanent Foster Care/Care Home
c. An Adoption Order.
d. A Special Guardianship Order - placed with family
e. No Order

4. In relation to 3b, 3c and 3d how many of the parents had:

a. Been convicted of a criminal offence against their children
b. Had the benefit of a residential family assessment

5. In relation to 3c how many applications for freeing orders were made?

6. In relation to 3b 3c and 3d how many of the parents had made an official complaint against the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety?

Yours faithfully,

LS Palmer



We have checked in the Department and the information you requested is not

The Information and Analysis Directorate within DHSSPS, have however
provided the information below which may be of use to you, and also
suggested where you may obtain further information.

John McCann
Information Management Branch
Tel: 02890 528218

IAD does not hold any information to answer this request.

However, for part 2 of the request we do not have the current status as
requested, but we do collect and publish annually figures for children in
care in Northern Ireland by Health and Social care Trust (Local Authority)
and Legal Status, the latest of which are available from the DHSSPS
website at:
Table 3.2 on page 31 of Children Order Statistical Tables for Northern
Ireland 2008/09 details numbers of looked after children by GSC Trust and
legal status.

The suggestion for remainder of the information from the section concerned
is that the information may be available from the Court Service for
Northern Ireland.
Alternatively, the Trusts may have information on this.

Sorry we couldn't have been of more help


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