Prostitution related arrests in 2008
Dear Sir or Madam,
Please supply the following information under the Freedom of
Information Act.
1) How many people were arrested for soliciting prostitutes or kerb crawling by Leicestershire Constabulary in each month of 2008.
3) Of those arrested in each month the number who were a) released without charge
b) cautioned
c) charged
d) fined
e) If none of the above can be applied to each arrest I would like
to know how the crime was dealt with.
I look forward to receiving your reply within the 20 day statutory
time limit.
Yours faithfully
Ricki Dewsbury
Mr. Dewsbury.
Please find attached acknowledgement.
Miss Lynne Cooper
Professional Standards (KC)
Data Protection/Info Security (DP)
Switchboard +44 0116 222 2222
Ext. 5222
Visible links
Dear Lynne Cooper,
I would like to remind you that you have broken the law by not responding to my freedom of information request within the 20 day statutory time limit.
Please supply the information that I have requested promptly before a formal complaint is made to the information commissioner.
Yours sincerely,
R Dewsbury
Ricki Dewsbury,
Please see attached our response to your request dated 20 April 2009.
Kind Regards,
Linda Dempsey
Information Assistant DP/FOI
Data Protection/Information Security
Professional Standards
Leicestershire Constabulary
mail to [2][Leicestershire Constabulary request email]
Telephone +44 (0) 116 2222222
Extn 5221 VM No. 8035
Fax + 44 (0) 116 2485217
Visible links
2. mailto:[Leicestershire Constabulary request email]
Dear Data Protection,
Please provide the data or a complete response to why you can't.
Yours sincerely,
R Dewsbury
Mr Dewsbury,
The original response was sent by email on 18 May 2009. I attach a further
copy of that response.
Yours sincerely
Linda Dempsey
Disclosure Assistant
Information Management, Leicestershire Constabulary
"Improving Confidence Through Raising Standards"
': +44 (0)116 222 2222 Ext: 5221
:: [1][Leicestershire Constabulary request email]
7: +44 (0)0116 2485217
Website: [2]
Visible links
1. mailto:[Leicestershire Constabulary request email]
mailto:[Leicestershire Constabulary request email]
4. mailto:[Leicestershire Constabulary request email]
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Alex Skene left an annotation ()
I've extracted the text from the 2 page TIF (fax-format image) file using OCR software. Some scanning errors might appear in the text as a result...
Dear Ricki Dewsbury,
I write further to your request for information dated 20 April 2009.
I note you seek access to the following information:
1) How many people were arrested for soliciting prostitutes or kerb crawling by Leicestershire Constabulary in each month of 2008.
3) Of those arrested in each month the number who were a) released without charge
b) cautioned
c) charged
d) fined
e) If none of the above can be applied to each arrest I would like to know how the crime was dealt with.
Leicestershire Constabulary wish to apologise for the Iength of time taken to respond to this request, however, may I point out that today is the 20th working day from receiving your request and within the specified time allowed.
Following receipt of your request, searches were conducted within Leicestershire Constabulary to Iocate information relevant to your request.
Your request for information has now been considered and the information asked for is as follows: -
I can confirm, pursuant to Sl(1)(a) of FOIA that this Force does ho|d the information you have requested however Leicestershire Constabulary are unable to provide this information as there is no 'reason for arrest' for the details requested, therefore to obtain the requested information it would be necessary to access all arrests records for the year 2008 which would therefore be in excess of the 18 hours specified by the Home Office as the time period for which a police force should allocate to a request under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. In the Freedom of Information (Fees and Appropriate Limit) Regulations 2004, the current regulatory Iimit which has been set by the Secretary of State for public authorities, which includes the police service, is £450 for the marginal costs which are the costs of finding, sorting, editing or redacting information and disbursements (printing, photocopying etc). The Association of Chief Police have agreed a national standard of an hourly rate Of £25 is to be charged for the time taken. In essence therefore, the costs equate to 18 hours work per request. It will be apparent therefore that within the time frame of 18 hours it will not be possible to extract the information to answer any of your questions.
In accordance with the Freedom of Information Act 2000, this Ietter acts as a Refusal Notice under s12(1) as the cost of providing you with the information is above the amount to which we are Iegally required to respond i.e. the cost of Iocating and retrieving the information exceeds the "appropriate Ievel'' as stated in the Freedom of Information (Fees and Appropriate Limit) Regulations 2004.
In this instance, 1 am unable to offer any suggestion as to how you could refine your request to bring it within the fees Iimit to obtain the information required.
The Leicestershire Constabulary provides you the right to ask for a re-examination of your request under its review procedure. Letters should be addressed to Ch. Supt., Professional Standards Department at the above address. If you decide to request such a review and having followed the Constabulary's full process you are still dissatisfied, then you have the right to direct your comments to the Information Commissioner who will give it consideration.
Yours sincerely,
Linda Dempsey
Data Protection Section
Professional Standards Department