
The request was partially successful.

Dear Sir or Madam,

Please supply the following information under the Freedom of
Information Act.

1) How many people were arrested for soliciting prostitutes or kerb
crawling in Nottingham in each month of 2008.

2) The names of the roads they were arrested on.

3) Of those arrested in each month the number who were a) released
without charge

b) cautioned

c) charged

d) fined

e) If none of the above can be applied to each arrest I would like
to know how the crime was dealt with.

4) I would also like to know how much money has been allocated to the force for the specific purpose of reducing prostitution.

I look forward to receiving your reply within the 28 day statutory

time limit.

Yours faithfully

Ricki Dewsbury

Dear Sir or Madam,

I would like to correct my previous freedom of information request.

1) How many people were arrested for soliciting prostitutes or kerb crawling by Cambridgeshire Constabulary in each month of 2008.

2) Of those arrested in each month the number who were:

a) released without charge

b) cautioned

c) charged

d) fined

e) If none of the above can be applied to each arrest I would like to know how the crime was dealt with.

3) I would also like to know how much money has been allocated to the force for the specific purpose of reducing prostitution.

I look forward to receiving your reply within the 28 day statutory time limit.

Yours faithfully

Ricki Dewsbury

Cambridgeshire Constabulary

Dear Ricki


We acknowledge receipt of your Freedom of Information (FOI) request which
was received by Cambridgeshire Constabulary on 26/02/09

Your request will now be considered in accordance with the Freedom of
Information Act 2000. You will receive a response within the statutory
timescale of twenty working days as defined by the Act. In some
circumstances, we may be unable to achieve this deadline. If this is the
case, you will be informed and given a revised time-scale at the earliest

If we require any further clarification regarding this request, you will be

We would advise you that the nature of certain requests may involve payment
of a fee. If this is the case, you will be notified.

Should you have any further enquiries concerning this matter, please
telephone on 0845 456 456 4 asking for the Information Access Office or
email [Cambridgeshire Constabulary request email]


Donna Anderson
Information Access Office
Cambridgeshire Constabulary

show quoted sections

Dear Sir or Madam,

I would like to remind you that you have broken the law by not responding to my freedom of information request within the 20 day statutory time limit.

Please supply the information that I have requested prompty before a formal complaint is made to the information commissioner.

Yours sincerely,

Ricki Dewsbury

Cambridgeshire Constabulary

1 Attachment

Dear Ricki


I write in connection with your request for information which was received
by Cambridgeshire Constabulary on 26th February 2009.

I regret to inform you that Cambridgeshire Constabulary have not been able
to complete its response to your request by the date originally stated.

The FOI Act obliges us to respond to requests promptly and in any case no
later than 20 working days after receiving your request. We must consider
firstly whether we can comply with Section 1 (1)(a) of the Act, which is
our duty to confirm or deny whether the information requested is held and
secondly we must comply with section 1(1)(b), which is the provision of
such information. However, when a qualified exemption applies either to the
confirmation or denial or the information provision and a public interest
test is engaged, the Act allows the time for response to be longer than 20
working days, if the balance of such public interest is undermined.

In this case we have not yet reached a decision on where the balance of the
public interest lies in respect of either of the above obligations. We
estimate that it will take an additional 3-4 days to take a decision on
where this balance lies. Therefore, we plan to let you have a response by
2nd April . If it appears that it will take longer than this to reach a
conclusion you will be kept informed.

The specific exemption(s) which apply in relation to your request is :-

S31 Investigations and Proceedings Conducted by the Public Authority.:
S40 Personal Information

I can assure you that every effort will be made to ensure an appropriate
response will be made within this new timescale.

Your attention is drawn to the attached sheet which details your right of

(See attached file: Complaint Rights.pdf)

May I apologise for any inconvenience caused. Should you wish to discuss
this matter please write or contact the Information Access Office on
telephone number 08454564564 Ext 8164 quoting the reference number above.

Yours sincerely
David Price
Information Access Office
Cambridgeshire Constabulary

show quoted sections

Cambridgeshire Constabulary

1 Attachment

Dear Ricki


In reply to your request for information under the Freedom of Information
Act 2000, dated 25th March 2009 and which was received in Cambridgeshire as

1) How many people were arrested for soliciting prostitutes or kerb
crawling by Cambridgeshire Constabulary in each month of 2008.

2) Of those arrested in each month the number who were:

a) released without charge

b) cautioned

c) charged

d) fined

e) If none of the above can be applied to each arrest I would like
to know how the crime was dealt with.

3) I would also like to know how much money has been allocated to
the force for the specific purpose of reducing prostitutio

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 (The Act) requires us to handle all
requests in a manner that is blind to the identity of the requestor. Any
information released in response to a request is regarded as being
published, and therefore in the public domain without caveat.

We have completed all searches within Cambridgeshire Constabulary and
hereby enclose your response.

In respect of your first two questions, we can inform you that there were
only two such recorded incidents during the whole of 2008. A person
received a caution in July for the soliciting person(s) near to vehicle for
purpose of prostitution. Another individual was arrested in August for the
same offence and was bailed to court.

In answer to question 3 we can advise that no information is held which
would satisfy this enquiry since there is no specific budget provision for

We apologise for this response being outside the twenty working days
specified within the Act.

If you are unhappy with this response, please see the attachment below,
which sets out your rights to appeal.

(See attached file: Complaint Rights.pdf)

Should you have any further enquiries concerning this matter, please
contact the Information Access Office via email, or on telephone number
0845 456 456 4 extension 8164.


David Price
Information Access Office
Cambridgeshire Constabulary

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