Proposed NWAT restrictions on Hindley Road, Daisy Hill Westhoughton ref : ES/HEDev/AJK/303657/3/0510
Dear Bolton Borough Council,
Proposed NWAT restrictions on Hindley Road, Daisy Hill Westhoughton ref : ES/HEDev/AJK/303657/3/0510
1. Who has been involved in all and any decisions/discussions and meetings resulting in the above proposal past and present? Please state names, job title, rank, organisation. Please include both public and private bodies.
2. Please provide all and any information and documentation relating to the development and conclusion of the proposal.
3. Have any discussions/meetings or plans been held or made in order to extend the proposal in the future?
4. Does Bolton Council have any intentions to extend the proposal in the future?
5. Please provide Bolton Councils projected costing for the proposal including implementation, maintenance, enforcement, administration and all projected revenue.
6. Bolton Council is currently or already has approved planning permission for offices above the local off licence (application no. 83794/10) on Leigh Road. What arrangements has Bolton Council made in the form of parking for the future staff/tenants of these offices?
7. Will Bolton Council be enforcing ‘no waiting at anytime’ when the Local Church is holding a wedding or funeral, when the local business have deliveries, when taxis wait for their pickups outside the local pub or when parents park to pick their children up from the local primary school?
8. Will Bolton Council be enforcing ‘No Waiting At Anytime’ every time a bus is due?
9. How many other addresses has Bolton Council posted their proposal to?
10. How many residents do Bolton Council believe will be affected negatively by the proposal?
11. Where will Bolton Council be advising their employees and subcontractors to park their vehicles when attending the local council properties?
As Bolton Council is only providing 17 working days to raise any objections, i would appreciate a much quicker response to all the above questions in relation to the proposal than the usual 20 days.
Yours faithfully,
Mr Ranicar
I am out of the office until 24 May 2010.
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thank you
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Dear Wiper, Carl,
The e-mail address you have provided doesn't work. Who deals with urgent requests when you are away?
Yours sincerely,
Mr Ranicar
Sent request to Bolton Metropolitan Borough Council again, using a new contact address.
Dear Mr Ranicar
Thank you for your request for information held by Bolton Council received at this office on 18th May 2010.
Your request is being considered.
Your request may take up to 20 working days to be processed.
A charge may be applicable for your request. If so, we will advise you of this in due course.
Should you have any queries, please contact me via my details below quoting reference FOI 1857.
Carol Johnson
Corporate Information Officer (Chief Execs & Corp Res)
Corporate Information Unit
Tel (01204) 331398
e-mail [email address]
Dear Carol Johnson (Cent Serv),
Due to the time restraints set by Bolton Council on the above proposal to submit any objections by 3rd June 2010 i assumed this request would have been answered or even replied to quicker than the usual 20 plus days.
The questions are important as more people may need to be aware of your proposal than are already. I'm growing concerned that the lack of response and transparency either here or from my e-mail sent to Chris Holt via David Howarth (16/5/10) is coming across as more of a tactic by Bolton Council to force its proposal through with little opposition.
Today i came home to Bolton Councils convoy of 2 transit tippers with 2 large trailers and a swb transit parked in the very place you want to put yellow lines and one of your long wheel base transits parked where the local off licence owner parks his vehicle the same sized council vehicle only yesterday was parked taking 2 spaces up of our 5 space carpark. This isn't a problem but should you proposal go ahead it will become one for residents, businesses, the church, school and your own employees creating a major problem of parking further down the road for other residents currently unaffected.
Yours sincerely,
Mr Ranicar
Dear Mr Ranicar
Please find below a response to your Freedom of Information Act request from our Highways division.
Proposed NWAT restrictions on Hindley Road, Daisy Hill Westhoughton
ref : ES/HEDev/AJK/303657/3/0510
1. Who has been involved in all and any decisions/discussions and
meetings resulting in the above proposal past and present? Please
state names, job title, rank, organisation. Please include both
public and private bodies.
Bus operators personnel, officers from Greater Manchester Passenger Transport Executive, officers and elected members from Bolton Council, officers from the police, fire and ambulance services.
2. Please provide all and any information and documentation
relating to the development and conclusion of the proposal.
A copy of the report seeking approval to the promotion of the waiting restrictions is attached. This report was approved by the Director of Environmental Services under delegated powers on 29th March 2010
3. Have any discussions/meetings or plans been held or made in
order to extend the proposal in the future?
4. Does Bolton Council have any intentions to extend the proposal
in the future?
No, there are no current proposals to extend the promoted restrictions at a future date
5. Please provide Bolton Councils projected costing for the
proposal including implementation, maintenance, enforcement,
administration and all projected revenue.
The anticipated costs associated with promoting and implementing the restrictions is £3,500. Maintenance, if implemented, would be a nominal cost. Parking enforcement in Bolton is undertaken by a third party contractor at a cost to the Borough as a whole, there would be no identifiable additional cost as a result of these proposals as enforcement would be undertaken concurrently with other enforcement activity in the area. The level of income from enforcement would depend upon the level of compliance with the restrictions, if implemented.
6. Bolton Council is currently or already has approved planning
permission for offices above the local off licence (application no.
83794/10) on Leigh Road. What arrangements has Bolton Council made
in the form of parking for the future staff/tenants of these
Bolton Council has not made any arrangements for parking for these premises. This is not a function of the Council as Traffic Authority.
7. Will Bolton Council be enforcing ‘no waiting at anytime’ when
the Local Church is holding a wedding or funeral, when the local
business have deliveries, when taxis wait for their pickups outside
the local pub or when parents park to pick their children up from
the local primary school?
Wedding organisers are able to apply for a dispensation from the restrictions, This can be arranged with the Council's Parking Services Unit.
There is a general exemption from restrictions for funeral vehicles
There are no loading restrictions contained within the current proposal.
There is no exemption in the proposed restrictions for taxis, however they (as will any other driver) be able to stop for as long as it takes for passengers to board or alight any longer would constitute a contravention.
Similarly parents can stop for as long as it takes for passengers to board or alight any longer would constitute a contravention.
8. Will Bolton Council be enforcing ‘No Waiting At Anytime’ every
time a bus is due?
Buses are able to stop for as long as it takes for passengers to board or alight any longer would constitute a contravention.
9. How many other addresses has Bolton Council posted their
proposal to?
All premises directly affected by the proposals have been informed.
10. How many residents do Bolton Council believe will be affected
negatively by the proposal?
Residents that have enjoyed frontage parking amenity will no longer have this facility. The Council does not have details of car ownership in the area.
11. Where will Bolton Council be advising their employees and
subcontractors to park their vehicles when attending the local
council properties?
Where any restrictions are in place the Council, or any other organisation, can apply for organisational exemptions to enable them to perform certain functions (care homes, vulnerable persons transport, etc). Other vehicles without such exemptions will have to find parking elsewhere.
In response to your other emailed queries;
This issue of inconsiderate and obstructive parking at this location was raised by GMPTE and a Bus Operator in October 2009 and a site meeting was held with their representatives and a Council Officer on 3rd November 2009. Observations were taken during the meeting and subsequently.
Bolton Council’s staff costs are included as part of the projected costs of £3,500 outlined in 5 above.
The Council will not be making alternative secure parking available for residents, but the extent of the proposals may be reduced when objections are formally considered by the Executive Member for Environmental Services.
This e-mail and any attached files are confidential and may also be legally privileged. They are intended solely for the intended addressee. If you are not the addressee please e-mail it back to the sender and then immediately, permanently delete it. Do not read, print, re-transmit, store or act in reliance on it. This e-mail may be monitored by Bolton Council in accordance with current regulations.
This footnote also confirms that this e-mail message has been swept for the presence of computer viruses currently known to Bolton Council. However, the recipient is responsible for virus-checking before opening this message and any attachment.
Unless expressly stated to the contrary, any views expressed in this message are those of the individual sender and may not necessarily reflect the views of Bolton Council.
Dear Winnard, Paul,
Thankyou for your response however you have misunderstood some of my questions.
Q.1 I asked who, job title and rank not just what organisations. In addition how many residents and local business owners did you invite to these meetings/discussions?
Q.2 In regard to your attachment, is this really the only documentation regarding all meetings/discussions that the council has in coming to this conclusion? As it seems very biased toward the bus operators and incomplete.
Q.3 Thankyou for your response
Q.4 Thankyou for your response
Q.5 Thankyou for your response
Q.6 Why did Bolton Council grant planning permission for offices knowing that the employees and there vehicles will have no where to park apart from outside other residents homes. Residents that you haven't even informed directly of this proposal, who will be affected as everybody will have to park further down Hindley Road.
Q.7 a) After wasting £3,500 approx. With all the exceptions that could be granted what is the point in your proposal? As the buses will still have the same problem.
b) You also state "parents can still stop for as long as it takes for passengers to board or alight any longer would constitute a contravention" Is the council saying that children from the ages of 4 years old have to be waiting on the roadside ready to jump into their parents vehicles?
Q.8 You have misunderstood my question. Will no waiting at anytime be being enforced everytime a bus is due to ensure it isn't restricted on it's route and to also make sure that your proposal isn't a waste of money or time. As failure to enforce it won't fix the problem your bus companies are raising.
Q.9 Please answer how many addresses you have posted your proposal to.
Q.10 Please answer how many addresses will be affected negatively by the proposal? Details of car ownership is irrelavent as residents in the local vicinity will be affected when everyone starts parking there instead.
You also stated "Residents that have enjoyed frontage parking amenity will no longer have this facility." Are you saying that the council has already decided that you proposal will go ahead no matter what objections are raised?
Q.11 With all the exemptions that you say are available. What will the buses do then? Will they not have the same problem?
Q.12 Thankyou for the attachment however it is undated and the contact officers name is missing please could you clarify?
Q.13 It states in excess of 100 buses uses this route in a 24 hour period, please could you supply all documented complaints.
Q.14 You state a meeting was held on 3rd November 2009 with GMPTE and a council officer. Why where no residents or business owners invited to this meeting?
Yours sincerely,
Mr Ranicar
Dear Mr Raincar
I am happy to pass your request back to the Highway's Department to re-look at your questions. However I must point out that many of your questions fall outside of the remit of the freedom of Information Act. The act requires us to provide information which is recorded in a written or electronic form and as such requests for comment and opinion do not come under the act.
The normal process for contacting the Highway's department to discuss your concerns should you wish is by contacting them personally by emailing [email address] or telephoning 01204 333333.
Please advise if you still wish me to process this request.
Dear Winnard, Paul,
Yes please process my request as some where never answered. Which questions fall outside of the remit of the freedom of Information Act? Please also could you clarify which questions you do not have documentation for.
Yours sincerely,
Mr Ranicar
Dear Mr Raincar
Please find attached a second response to your freedom of Information Act request.
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Barry Moss, Sr. left an annotation ()
None of the folk who have not objected to the proposals live anywhere near the proposed restrictions, I would not object to having Double yellow lines outside their house either if I was a NIMBY. Parking Services will not object because the double yellow lines on Hindley road/Leigh Rd becomes another way of raising income for Bolton Council from Parking Tickets.
The bus can be re-routed along Hartford road, it is but a short walk a few minutes either way to the bus stops at either end of Hartford Road, if I want to go to atherton I have to walk more than half a mile near the Grey Man, if Hartford Road had been built before Hindley Road, the Bus route would never have got permission to use Hindley Road. re-routing would mean erecting one new bus stop near the grey man.
I personally have never seen more than half a dozen folk on the bus when it passes my home, why can't the bus company use a 12 seater or 20 seater, why do they have to use great humongous buses Double and Single deckers to plough through Daisy Hill Village, I do not believe that 100 buses goes through Daisy Hill Village each day, but if this is the case then there is a pressing need for the Re-route along Hartford Road and smaller buses.