Property take
Dear High Speed Two (HS2) Limited,
Ref HS2-PT-010622
NB This is new request & does not reference any previous FOI.
I would like to monitor HS2 property spend and as such I will making the request below on a monthly basis.
Please can you give me an updated figures & the date collated :
1) How much has been spent to date on property?
2) What are the committed property liabilities to date?
3) What are the estimated further property costs?
4) How many parcels of land (not including subsoil in tunnelling locations) required for the construction of phase one where purchase has been completed?
5) How many parcels of land (not including subsoil in tunnelling locations) on the route of phase one which HS2 Ltd has taken temporary possession of?
Yours faithfully,
Mike Haville
Dear Mike Haville,
Thank you for your email of 01 June 2022. Your request is being handled as a request for information under the Environmental Information Regulations 2004, a response will be sent to you in accordance with these Regulations.
If you have any queries about the handling or your request, please do not hesitate to contact me, please quote the following reference in all future correspondence to do with this matter: FOI-22-4668
Yours sincerely,
Briefings, Correspondence and FOI Manager | HS2 Ltd
Tel: 08081 434 434 (Freephone number)| [HS2 request email] | Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn
High Speed Two (HS2) Limited, The Podium, London Euston |
Dear Mike Haville
Please find attached correspondence regarding this request.
Briefings, Correspondence and Freedom of Information (BCFOI) | HS2 Ltd
Tel: 08081 434 434 (Freephone number)| [HS2 request email]| Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn
High Speed Two (HS2) Limited , Two Snow Hill, Snow Hill Queensway, Birmingham, B4 6GA |
Dear FOI Request,
Please pass on for internal review.
Your reply implies that the HS2 property take is a fixed situation and as you have replied in June 2021 & Mar 2022, that subsequent requests are invalid. You also state that I have requested many times, which I have, the reason being is that I did not get an answer to my requests (only 3 answers so far).
You complain that the the requests are identical, which they are, but they ask for an update on what should be month on month, massively changing information. Between Sep 21 & Feb 22, HS2 has put in ~6000 GVD's, which when processed into CPO's, will result in HS2 committed liabilities & property spend increasing.
HS2 Ltd whistleblowers have informed me that they are sure that phase 1 property spend will be well over the £5bn budget, as such I feel that getting an update on the HS2 phase 1 property spend on a monthly basis is in the public interest.
The complaint that the request are burdensome is unfounded, as the requests are for info. that the Land & Property Dept. should be reporting to management on a monthly (if not weekly) basis.
Yours sincerely,
Mike Haville
Dear Mike Haville,
Thank you for your email to HS2 Ltd dated 04 July 2022.
This matter will now be dealt with by way of internal review.
We aim to reply as soon as possible and no later than 01 August 2022,
which is 20 working days from the date your email was received.
Your reference number for this request is FOI-22-4668-R.
Please quote the above reference number in all future correspondence
regarding this matter.
Yours sincerely,
On behalf of Carl Bird | Senior Manager Briefings, Correspondence and
Freedom of Information | HS2 Ltd
Tel: 08081 434 434 (Freephone number)| [1][HS2 request email] |
[2]Facebook | [3]Twitter | [4]LinkedIn
High Speed Two (HS2) Limited , Two Snow Hill, Snow Hill Queensway,
Birmingham, B4 6GA | [5]
Visible links
1. mailto:[HS2 request email]
Dear Mike Haville,
Please find attached our response to the above mentioned request.
Kind regards,
On behalf of Carl Bird | Senior Manager Briefings, Correspondence and
Freedom of Information | HS2 Ltd
Tel: 08081 434 434 (Freephone number)| [1][HS2 request email]|
[2]Facebook | [3]Twitter | [4]LinkedIn
High Speed Two (HS2) Limited , Two Snow Hill, Snow Hill Queensway,
Birmingham, B4 6GA | [5]
From: FOI Request
Sent: 05 July 2022 10:01
To: [FOI #867000 email]
Subject: FOI-22-4668-R - Haville - Expenditure on property to date -
Dear Mike Haville,
Thank you for your email to HS2 Ltd dated 04 July 2022.
This matter will now be dealt with by way of internal review.
We aim to reply as soon as possible and no later than 01 August 2022,
which is 20 working days from the date your email was received.
Your reference number for this request is FOI-22-4668-R.
Please quote the above reference number in all future correspondence
regarding this matter.
Yours sincerely,
On behalf of Carl Bird | Senior Manager Briefings, Correspondence and
Freedom of Information | HS2 Ltd
Tel: 08081 434 434 (Freephone number)| [6][HS2 request email] |
[7]Facebook | [8]Twitter | [9]LinkedIn
High Speed Two (HS2) Limited , Two Snow Hill, Snow Hill Queensway,
Birmingham, B4 6GA | [10]
Visible links
1. mailto:[HS2 request email]
6. mailto:[HS2 request email]
Dear Mike Haville
Following ICO Decision Notice IC-184225-X3K8, please find attached a revised response to this request.
Thank you
Carl Bird | Senior Manager Briefings, Correspondence and FOI | HS2 Ltd
Tel: 08081 434 434 (Freephone number)| [email address]| Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn
High Speed Two (HS2) Limited , Two Snow Hill, Snow Hill Queensway, Birmingham, B4 6GA |
Mike Haville left an annotation ()
ICO In the Order for HS2 Ltd to reply to FOI stated
"However, this is not the case here as HS2 have been able to answer identical requests without difficulty. Therefore, HS2 should have responded to the subsequent request that was submitted by the complainant."
This should apply to other subsequent requests for updated information
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Mike Haville left an annotation ()
After 6 months ICO have come down on my side, in summary that HS2 Ltd were being unreasonable & should release the phase 1 property info now & every month, going forward.
"The public authority must take these steps within 35 calendar days of the date of this decision notice. Failure to comply may result in the Commissioner making written certification of this fact to the High Court
pursuant to section 54 of FOIA and may be dealt with as a contempt of court."