Dear Mr Hai,
Freedom of Information request: FOI-26299
Thank you for your request dated 24 April 2019.
The Council is considering th...
Dear Mr Puddifoot
Freedom of Information request: FOI-26161
Please accept our apologies for the delay in providing a response to your
Dear Mr Thomas
Freedom of Information request: FOI-27760
Thank you for your request dated 14^th May 2019.
Please accept our sincere...
Dear Ms Blacow
Freedom of Information request: FOI-33639
Thank you for your request dated 28 October 2019
Your request is currently...
Dear Ms Wilde
Freedom of Information request: FOI-25838
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request, dated 15/03/2019.
Your request is cur...
Dear Ms Webster
Freedom of Information request: FOI-11792
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request, dated 16/02/2018.
Your request is curre...
Dear S Devi
Freedom of Information/Environmental Information Regulations request: FOI-4483
Thank you for your request dated 28 March 2017
Your reque...
Dear Dr O'Toole
Internal Review on Freedom of Information request: FOI - 5967
Thank you for your Internal Review request on the handling of your Free...
Dear Ms Hemsley
Freedom of Information request: FOI -7091
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request, dated 27th July 2017
Your request is cu...
Dear Ms O’Toole
Further to my colleague’s email below, I am writing to confirm that, in
line with Regulation 7(1) of the Environmental Informati...
Dear L Jones
Freedom of Information/Environmental Information Regulations request: FOI-11608
Thank you for your request dated February 10, 2018
Dear Claire
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request dated 23/01/18.
Based on the information you have provided, we have considered your requ...
Dear Sir/Madam
Freedom of Information request: FOI-25011
Thank you for your request dated 23/02/2019.
The information you have requested is n...
Dear Mr Jackson
Freedom of Information/Environmental Information Regulations request: FOI-8356
Thank you for your request dated 02 October 2017
Dear Mr Chait,
Freedom of Information: FOI-19941
Thank you for your request dated 4th October 2018
Our response is as follows:
The information you...
Dear Mr Chait,
Freedom of Information: FOI-26421
Thank you for your request dated 3^rd April 2019.
Our response is as follows:
Dear Mr Owen
Freedom of Information request: FOI-17388*
Thank you for your request dated 20 July 2018
Our response is as follows:
Please advise the...
Dear Mr Dodwell
Freedom of Information request: FOI-4573
Thank you for your request dated 01 April 2017
Our response is as follows:
We do not have...
Dear Ms Fisher
Freedom of Information request: FOI 11030
Thank you for your request dated January 24th 2018
Our response is as follows:
Please see...
Dear Sir/Madam
Thank you Freedom of Information request dated 01/01/2019.
We have considered your request to be a repeat of the later request submitt...
Dear Sir/Madam
Freedom of Information request: FOI-24390
Thank you for your request dated 06 February 2019
Our response is as follows:
The Royal Bo...
Freedom of Information request: FOI - 8296
Thank you for your Freedom of Information request, dated 28/09/2017.
We apologise for the ongoing dela...
Dear Ms Yahaya
Freedom of Information request: FOI-6958
Thank you for your request dated 21^st July 2017.
Our response is as follows:
Please co...
Dear Ms McNally
Freedom of Information request: FOI-11828
Thank you for your request dated 19 February 2018
Our response is as follows:
The data yo...
Dear Ms Filipovic
Freedom of Information request: FOI-16378
Thank you for your request dated June 21, 2018
Our response is as follows: