Property and Assets and Buildings
Dear Organisation,
I would like to know a full list of Vacant Properties held by your organisation and any of its subsidiaries.
If possible their market value for sale or to let, whether they would be considered for a community asset transfer, if not then whether they are for sale or to let. In a clear and easy to read format. It would be supportive if the property is for sale or to let that it is listed on here too: and that you inform us of this intention or such listing in the request.
In the previous case in Voyias v IC and LB Camden (EA/201v1/0007), the requesters asked for substantially similar information, and the judge favoured disclosure. I appreciate the circumstances here are quite different, but the same principles should apply.
I understand there is a risk that your empty properties would be targeted by squatters should this the list of empty properties be public, but this is a very slim risk. The prejudice to law enforcement should be real, likely and substantial, as per Hogan v the ICO and Oxford City Council. I can assure you that my request is not sent in order to cause trouble for the authority, it is predominantly for my own research, with publication as part of campaigning materials. I am concerned at the sale of public assets, not a not an advocate for their illegal occupation. I would also say that I cannot imagine the disclosure of this list of properties to significantly affect a squatting problem that pre-existed my interest in the organisation. Overall the prejudice to law enforcement is very slim, and not severe. Since 12 months will be the time that this information will be released onto this site, unless others request this information separately. The requester is not liable for any issues that may arise in between or after.
It is in the public interest and transparency that this information is made publicly available under the public sector duty under the equality act allowing people to know of this information and make use of it under the Community Asset Transfer scheme and under the Human Rights Act Article 11 enabling the community to gather and make decisions on the allocation of such assets.
Yours faithfully,
Viran Patel
Please accept this response as acknowledgement that your request has been received by Northampton Borough Council. You will not normally receive another communication until the Council responds to your request. Under the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOI) and the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (EIR) the Council has 20 working days in which to respond to your request. If you require any further information regarding your request please contact Information Governance, The Guildhall, Northampton, NN1 1DE. Tel 01604 838536 / 838841 or by responding directly to this email.
Requests made for personal information under the General Data Protection Regulations 2016 (GDPR) are called SAR’s (Subject Access Requests) and are normally responded to within 28 days. However, the Council may contact you for further information to clarify your request before it can begin collating your personal data. If you require any further information regarding your SAR or your rights under the GDPR please contact The Data Protection Officer, The Guildhall, Northampton, NN1 1DE. Tel 01604 838536
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Northampton Borough Council, The Guildhall, Northampton, United Kingdom, NN1 1DE
+44 (0)300 330 7000
Good morning Mr Patel
Please find attached the Council’s response to your recent FOI request.
With kind regards
Stephanie Everitt
Legal Assistant
Borough Secretary’s Department
Northampton Borough Council
01604 83 8841
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