Properties earmarked for demolition used as temporary accommodation
Dear Ealing Borough Council,
Are there any residential blocks which the Council has earmarked for regeneration or demolition, where you have leased out void properties to external housing providers and/or directly used the void properties as temporary or interim accommodation?
If so, how many properties fall into these categories and what are the names of the residential blocks/housing estates/roads that they are on?
If there are external providers, when did these contracts/leases start and when are they up for renewal/ending? Who sets the rent under these contracts/leases and what are they per week? How many properties are these contracts/leases for?
If the properties are directly managed by the council, what are the rents per week?
Yours faithfully,
Dr Joe Beswick
Dear Joe Beswick,
Freedom of Information Act (FOI) 2000 / Environmental Information
Regulations (EIR) 2004.
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[1][Ealing Borough Council request email] quoting the reference number quoted above.
Yours sincerely,
Kam Ubhi
Information Governance Officer
Ealing Council
Freedom of Information
Perceval House
14-16 Uxbridge Road
W5 2HL
Tel: (020) 8825 8367
From: Joe Beswick <[FOI #907356 email]>
Sent: 13 October 2022 12:25
To: foirequests <[Ealing Borough Council request email]>
Subject: Freedom of Information request - Properties earmarked for
demolition used as temporary accommodation
Dear Ealing Borough Council,
Are there any residential blocks which the Council has earmarked for
regeneration or demolition, where you have leased out void properties to
external housing providers and/or directly used the void properties as
temporary or interim accommodation?
If so, how many properties fall into these categories and what are the
names of the residential blocks/housing estates/roads that they are on?
If there are external providers, when did these contracts/leases start and
when are they up for renewal/ending? Who sets the rent under these
contracts/leases and what are they per week? How many properties are these
contracts/leases for?
If the properties are directly managed by the council, what are the rents
per week?
Yours faithfully,
Dr Joe Beswick
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[2][FOI #907356 email]
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Dear Joe Beswick,
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Kind Regards
Kam Ubhi
Information Governance Officer
Ealing Council
Freedom of Information
3rd Floor, North East
Perceval House
14-16 Uxbridge Road
London W5 2HL
Tel: (020) 8825 5000
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