Proof of Payment (Local Land Charges to Capita Symonds)

The request was successful.

Christian Lister

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am requesting details regarding payments for Local Land Charges data from Carlisle City Council to Capita Symonds.

(a) how payments are made
(b) how payments are calculated
(c) a list (address only) of all searches undertaken by the Local Authority since April 6th 2009 until the date of this request.
(d) how much has been paid by the Local Authority since April 6th 2009 until the date of this request.

Yours faithfully,

Christian Lister

Customer Services, Carlisle City Council

Thank you for your email, any action required will be taken as soon as

Please note that this email is an automated confirmation so do not reply
to it.

If you wish to contact us again please use
[Carlisle City Council request email]

Carlisle City Council
Customer Services

Tel: 01228 817200
Fax: 01228 817213

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Clare Furlong, Carlisle City Council

1 Attachment

Dear Mr Lister

Please find attached acknowledgement of your Freedom of Information Act

Thank you

Clare Furlong

Clare Furlong

Policy and Performance Team

Carlisle City Council

Civic Centre



Telephone 01228 817165

e-mail [1][email address]

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Clare Furlong, Carlisle City Council

2 Attachments

Dear Mr Lister

Please find attached response to your Freedom of Information Act request.

Thank you

Clare Furlong

Clare Furlong

Policy and Performance Team

Carlisle City Council

Civic Centre



Telephone 01228 817165

e-mail [1][email address]

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Dear Clare Furlong,

Thank you for FOI3 1097.

Yours sincerely,

Christian Lister

Dear Sir or Madam,

Item C - has been rejected on containing personal data.

"1 Identifiability

Can a living individual be identified from the data, or, from the data and other information in the possession of, or likely to come into the possession of, the data controller?

Yes Go to next question.

No The data is not personal data for the purposes of the DPA."

Please explain.

Yours faithfully,

Christian Lister

Customer Services, Carlisle City Council

Thank you for your email, any action required will be taken as soon as

Please note that this email is an automated confirmation so do not reply
to it.

If you wish to contact us again please use
[Carlisle City Council request email]

Carlisle City Council
Customer Services

Tel: 01228 817200
Fax: 01228 817213

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Clare Furlong, Carlisle City Council

2 Attachments

Dear Mr Lister

Thank you for your e-mail regarding our response to your Freedom of
Information Act request re land charges.

We followed the Information Commissioner's and the Information Tribunal's
guidance on answering question (c). The ICO has said that an address is
third party personal information and is therefore exempt from disclosure
under Section 40(2). We agree that the disclosure of an address could
tell you something biographically significant about an individual - ie
that they own property.

To comply with the DPA, a disclosure of personal data under the FOIA must:

o be fair and lawful;

o meet one of the conditions in Schedule 2 of the DPA;

o in the case of sensitive information (such as information
about health or criminal activity) also meet one of the conditions in
Schedule 3; and,

o take into account the reasonable expectations of the

We do not think that it in this case it would be fair on the individuals
in question to release their addresses - they would not reasonably expect
their addresses to be released to a third party. We do not think that the
public interest overrides this.

Please find attached the guidance from the ICO and the Information
Tribunal case that is felt to be the definitive document on the subject.
These documents have assisted us to reach our conclusion.

Thank you

Clare Furlong

Clare Furlong

Policy and Performance Team

Carlisle City Council

Civic Centre



Telephone 01228 817165

e-mail [1][email address]

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