Pronouns and Gender identity
Dear Norfolk Constabulary,
What training do you provide to your staff or police officers surrounding the use of pronouns?
Please release any powerpoint / handout documents / teams presentations that you have produced or the training department have produced about the correct usage of pronouns to your workforce.
Please release any powerpoint / handout documents relating to gender and gender identity training.
Yours faithfully,
John Anderson
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Dear John Anderson
Our Ref: FOI 004211/22
Please accept this email as confirmation that your request for information has been received.
Your request will now be considered and you will receive a response within the statutory timescale of 20 working days as defined by the Act, subject to the information not being exempt or containing a reference to a third party. We aim to provide you with a response by 17th January 2023.
A full copy of the Freedom of Information legislation is available online via the website:
Should you need to discuss this further please contact us on the details above.
Yours sincerely,
Amanda Gibson
Freedom of Information Decision Maker
Norfolk Constabulary
OCC, Jubilee House, Falconer's Chase,
Wymondham, Norfolk, NR18 0WW.
Tel: 01953 425699 x 2803
[mobile number]
Dear Freedom Of Information (Norfolk),
This FOI request is overdue and by law you should have provided the information or a reason as to why it is delayed.
Please can you let me know when you will respond?
Yours sincerely,
John Anderson
Dear John Anderson
Our ref: FOI 004211/22
Please accept our apologies for the delay in responding to your Freedom of Information request. We are currently experiencing high volumes of work and staff abstractions, resulting in some delays in our response times. We will endeavour to respond as soon as we can and thank you for your patience.
Yours sincerely
Amanda Gibson
Freedom of Information Decision Maker
Norfolk Constabulary
OCC, Jubilee House, Falconer's Chase,
Wymondham, Norfolk, NR18 0WW.
Tel: 01953 425699 x 2803
Dear Freedom Of Information (Norfolk),
I can see you have made replies to other FOI requests which have come in later than this request.
Can you advise what the delay still is and the time scale for completing this?
Yours sincerely,
John Anderson
16^th February 2023
Dear John Anderson,
Our Ref: FOI 004211/22
Please find a PDF document attached in response to your request for
information from Norfolk Constabulary. Please accept my apologies for the
delay in responding.
This is to inform you that all information relating to your request has
been collated and my response is attached. This request is now complete
and shall be closed immediately.
Should any further information be requested regarding this topic, a
separate request will need to be submitted.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your interest in
Norfolk Constabulary.
Yours sincerely,
│Amanda Gibson │
│Freedom of Information Decision Maker │
│Norfolk Constabulary │
│OCC, Jubilee House, Falconer's Chase, │
│Wymondham, Norfolk, NR18 0WW. │
│ │
│Tel: 01953 425699 x 2803 │
│ │
│[1] │
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